She can't hold a knife. One swift move and no, no she's wrong. I don't hurt people, especially women, especially women who are out of their minds. That's not me.

Joe Voiceover

Dottie: Ah, to be young.
Joe: Oh you're still young.
Dottie: Tell that to my vagina. No one warns you one day you wake up dryer than the Sahara.

Of course, your brother destroyed my life. Our life. I was trying to help you, Love. Altruism is dangerous.

Joe Voiceover

Joe: What are you doing here?
Candace: I told you I'd show up to give you what you deserve. So here we are. Merry Christmas!

Like the kids say, fuck my life.


It's not eczema, Forty. Addiction is not an on and off thing, and it's no excuse for being a bum.


Candace: Will Bettelheim. What a great name. Almost sounds made up.
Joe Voiceover: Is she trying to spar with me?
Joe: It's funny, I was just thinking Amy Adam, how totally ungoogleable.

You are a lot of things, but you're not stupid.


Love: My dad is going to love that shirt.
Joe Voiceover: I know. I do my research.

Love: Can I tell you I love you yet?
Joe: Whenever you're ready. In the meantime, let me say it. I love you, Love. It's a complicated word.
Love: Oh.
Joe: Is their another word? Our word.
Love: Um. I wolf you.
Joe: I wolf you too.
Love: It's like you're part of my pack.
Joe: I am your pack.

Forty: Holy fuck. No way.
Love: What?
Forty: Hold on.
Candace: What happened?
Forty: Now they're saying Henderson was murdered.
Joe Voiceover: Benji, Peach, Beck, Ron, Jasper, Henderson.
Candace: Well, if that's true a famous man line Henderson they'll catch who did it. He won't get away. Murder has a way of following you.

I'm sorry, Will. My sister's a little upset, and she's also a bitch. 


YOU Season 2 Quotes

Candace: You did it again, didn't you Joe?
Joe: What do you want, Candace?
Candace: To kill you with my bare hands. I'm kidding. I could never. I'm going to go to the cops and tell them everything. Nope, too easy on you.

Love has taken me to dark places, but Los Angeles has got to be as dark as it gets. When you're running from someone who thinks they know you, the best place to hide is somewhere they think you hate because you do.

Joe Voiceover