It would be easy to blame Candace, and I do, but what is life without Love? I guess I'm going to find out.

Joe Voiceover

Delilah: I just want somebody to hurt like I'm hurting.
Joe [touching her shoulder]: Is this okay?
Delilah: Oh hi, look at you asking for consent. Being fucking woke. Gold star.
Joe: I'm sorry he hurt you.

Did you just mansplain and patronize me in the same sentence? Thanks for the D, Will. Bye.


Joe: Don't ever stop calling me. I have never loved anyone like this before.
Love: Maybe, but that's what makes this so hard. It's over. 

Candace coming here crosses a line. I need a new plan. If you think about it, she's already living on borrowed time. She resurrected like some sort of ginger vampire. To suck my life away. Dealing with her is nothing but balancing the cosmic scales. It's not safe her walking around free. She's dangerous not just to me. To your brother. To you.

Joe Voiceover

Love: What do you want with Will?
Candace: His name is not Will. It's Joe Goldberg. He's my ex-boyfriend. I know this sounds crazy, but I am telling you the truth. He attacked me, and almost killed me.
Love: He what?
Candace: And he killed the girl after me.
Love: Is this some kind of joke?
Candace: I wish it was. I only came here to protect you.

I'm sorry, Will. My sister's a little upset, and she's also a bitch. 


Joe: I'm not afraid of you anymore. If you really had something on me, you would have turned me in already.
Candace: I'm not afraid of you either.
Joe: Why would you be afraid of me? Candace, it was an accident. End of story. I never tried to kill you.
Candace: You know what they say? You never know if you're fight or flight until you're forced to find out. Turns out, I'm fight. So now I've found you. I'm not going anywhere, and I don't care what you tell yourself because all I have to do is wait for you to mess up. Murder has a way of following you, and you're not getting away with it.

Forty: Holy fuck. No way.
Love: What?
Forty: Hold on.
Candace: What happened?
Forty: Now they're saying Henderson was murdered.
Joe Voiceover: Benji, Peach, Beck, Ron, Jasper, Henderson.
Candace: Well, if that's true a famous man line Henderson they'll catch who did it. He won't get away. Murder has a way of following you.

Like the kids say, fuck my life.


Candace: What am I supposed to do?
Officer: He thinks you're dead. You want really off the record advice? Stay that way.
Candace: This is unreal 

Candace: Will Bettelheim. What a great name. Almost sounds made up.
Joe Voiceover: Is she trying to spar with me?
Joe: It's funny, I was just thinking Amy Adam, how totally ungoogleable.

YOU Season 2 Quotes

Candace: You did it again, didn't you Joe?
Joe: What do you want, Candace?
Candace: To kill you with my bare hands. I'm kidding. I could never. I'm going to go to the cops and tell them everything. Nope, too easy on you.

Love has taken me to dark places, but Los Angeles has got to be as dark as it gets. When you're running from someone who thinks they know you, the best place to hide is somewhere they think you hate because you do.

Joe Voiceover