Woman: Dan Jenkins lost the water source he was using to generate power.
Rainwater: How do you lose water?

Monica: Why do they do it? The brand? Why do the cowboys do it?
John: They don't all do it. Just the ones who are getting a second chance. I guess they feel it proves they're worthy of trust.

Rip: You get in trouble in a church. You stood your ground, though. For once.
Kayce: I'm not used to seeing you off my dad's leash.

Walker: All the boys have it?
Rip: No. Just us. Just the criminals.

Beth: You gotta watch them die, Jamie. You gotta watch your mother look you in the eye without any love in her heart, not even a little. That's losing, Jamie.
Jamie: Beth. If hating me stops you from hating yourself, you can hate me. That's what family is for.

Jamie: How'd it go?
John: They're perfect for each other. They're both allergic to logic.

Monica: You're offering me a job?
Mel: I absolutely am.
Monica: You don't understand. When a teacher leaves the reservation, there isn't a line of teachers taking their place. There's just one less teacher. If I leave, my kids will suffer. And they've suffered enough.

It's the shame that hurts the most, you know. But shame, it's in the mind. You can turn that faucet off whenever you want to.


Monica: You don't act like the man I've heard from the stories.
John: That's the thing about being a grandfather. I get to do all the things I didn't do with my own children. And the ones I regret, I get to do different.

Walker: Ain't much to explain. A guy came swingin' at me so I swung back at him. Hit him right between the eyes and the fucker went down and died.
Rip: That's some punch.
Walker: What can I say? These windmills can swing.
Rip: They're done swingin' if you come work for me.
Walker: They're done swingin' if I don't. I ain't goin' back in that son of a bitch.

Ben: Lawyers don't scare me.
Rainwater: They should. No one knows how to break the law better than one who knows it.

John: Wouldn't say what they picked him up for.
Monica: Yeah, they wouldn't tell me at the station either.
John: No arraignment date?
Monica: Mmm mmm
John: Then they're probably just looking.
Monica: You don't have to look far, with Kayce.

Yellowstone Quotes

John: Not hungry?
Beth: Nuh-uh. I'm intermittent fasting.
John: What's that mean?
Beth: Nothing but coffee and cigarettes till noon, and then I can eat what the fuck I want till I start drinkin' at six.
John: Well, I'd love to meet the doctor who came up with that diet.
Beth: I've adapted it to suit my lifestyle.

Walker: Some of the boys have got to swapping stories and whatnot, and I figured I'd come out here and be upfront. I ain't gonna break the law for you, Rip.
Rip: Should have thought about that before you took the brand.
Walker: You said that brand was to prove I could be trusted.
Rip: Trust means you do what we tell you.
Walker: That ain't what that word means.
Rip: It's a good thing you think this place's pretty, Walker, cause your chance to leave it's passed you by.