Take the chopper. Don't waste time in a car. And Jamie... don't come back without him, son?


Jamie: We can't do it.
John: Never tell me what I can and can't do.

John: I almost lost him [Tate].
Rip: Well, it's hard to measure almost cause almost didn't happen.
John: Isn't that wise? Who told you that?
Rip: You did, sir.

Jenkins: What are you doing here? My family lives here.
Beth: Guess we'd better go somewhere else. Listen, I know I caught you off-guard so if you wanna take a Viagra, I know a bar around the corner we can go while we wait for it to kick in.

John: I'm gonna miss you.
Tate: Where you goin'?
John: Nowhere, but you're gonna grow up and I'm gonna grow up, be the shriveled old raisin in the corner tellin' you stories you don't want to hear. But that's life. That's the way of it.

You know, the newspapers like to write about all these random acts of violence, but you and I know they're not random. Not one. They're all connected. It's like this [spider web]. To look at it, it has no pattern. No beginning. No end. As if there was no reason it became. But you and I know different. We know a spider's behind it all.


Emmett: We're not young men, John. Maybe you should step aside and let a younger man come in.
John: You got a man in mind?
Emmett: No.
John: Me either. So you're stuck with me.

Alfred: We have a policy against smoking.
Beth: Really? Cause it seems the whole place is up in flames. Or is just a policy against me smoking? Which I would find odd, cause I've never been here before.
Alfred: What do you want?
Beth: To cause a scene. You ready to watch that happen?

Here, it won't be long before there's no one left. Of course, that was probably the plan from the beginning.


This looks like a suicide, but it's not. Three kids, no job, no food. My father can't take care of them. We can't take them. Samantha's parents, they do pretty well. They have a nice house up in Seattle. Only problem is, they won't speak to her. She knew they'd say 'no' if she asked. Now they can't say no. This wasn't a suicide. It was a sacrifice.


Lloyd: At least you're startin' to walk like a cowboy.
Jimmy: I don't think I'm cut out for this.
Lloyd: Nobody is. It has to be cut into you.

Jimmy: I thought you said horses make the cattle nervous.
Rip: What do you think that chopper's doing to 'em?

Yellowstone Quotes

John: Not hungry?
Beth: Nuh-uh. I'm intermittent fasting.
John: What's that mean?
Beth: Nothing but coffee and cigarettes till noon, and then I can eat what the fuck I want till I start drinkin' at six.
John: Well, I'd love to meet the doctor who came up with that diet.
Beth: I've adapted it to suit my lifestyle.

Walker: Some of the boys have got to swapping stories and whatnot, and I figured I'd come out here and be upfront. I ain't gonna break the law for you, Rip.
Rip: Should have thought about that before you took the brand.
Walker: You said that brand was to prove I could be trusted.
Rip: Trust means you do what we tell you.
Walker: That ain't what that word means.
Rip: It's a good thing you think this place's pretty, Walker, cause your chance to leave it's passed you by.