John: Mornin' Rip.
Rip: Eh. What will the day bring?
John: I don't know, but I know it'll be the best it'll ever be.

John: You never knew your grandmother, did you?
Jimmy: No, sir. She died when my mother was young.
John: Where's your mother now?
Jimmy: All my family's either dead or in prison. It's just me and my grandfather now. He used to say, when his wife died, it killed the whole family. It says something that you kept yours together.
John: Oh, it killed mine too. It's just taking us longer to die.

Kayce: If you're gonna burn them, why did you dig a hole?
Indian Man: The hole's to hide the bodies. That's for you. Burning them traps the soul. It's stuck here, can't cross over. That's for me. Here. You killed 'em, you do the honor.
Kayce: I don't want to.
Indian Man: Want's got nothing to do with it. You killed the bodies. Now you kill their souls.

Rainwater: I figure it'll take about 14 billion.
John: To do what?
Rainwater: To buy back all the land that used to be ours. And I'm gonna start with your ranch, when you die and your children can't afford the inheritance tax. I will remove any evidence from the property that you and your family ever existed. It will look like it used to, when it was ours. See, I'm the opposite of progress, John. I am the past, catching up with you.

Kayce: I don't know how we're gonna keep this a secret.
Indian Man: They were white men, right? When we die, no one notices. When they die, everyone does. That's one thing about the res. It's where things go to disappear.

Kayce: Everything's gonna be all right.
Tate: Well, if it's all gonna be all right, why are you takin' a gun?

Rip: Beth, you need to go in the house.
Beth: I don't think so.
Rip: It weren't a question. I'm the one thing you can't outwrestle.
Beth: I wouldn't bet on that.
Rip: Come on.
[Beth stands, ignoring the jacket he's holding out]
Beth: Nope. Everyone suffers today. Including you.

Beth: Do you know what day it is?
Jamie: It's Thursday.
Beth: You're a fuckin' idiot.
Jamie: No, I am the only sober one in this conversation, and the only one with a calendar on his watch. It's Thursday.
Beth: It's the day our mother died. You don't even remember.

Tate: I want some of those.
Kayce: You don't want that garbage.
Tate: If it's garbage, why do you have it?
Kayce: I'm bigger. It's not as bad for me.

Little Beth: What do we do?
Evelyn: Beth, go get your father.
Little Kayce: I ride faster. Let me do it.
Evelyn: No. She did this. Let her undo it.

Rip: Why are you so scared?
ME: I don't want to die.
Rip: Yeah? Well you don't seem to want to live either. So which is it? See, it's the habit of living you're scared of losing.

Minister: I remember when you were a boy, climbing up the scaffolding. I think that was the last time you were here.
John: I've seen too much bad in my life to believe that God exists.

Yellowstone Quotes

John: Not hungry?
Beth: Nuh-uh. I'm intermittent fasting.
John: What's that mean?
Beth: Nothing but coffee and cigarettes till noon, and then I can eat what the fuck I want till I start drinkin' at six.
John: Well, I'd love to meet the doctor who came up with that diet.
Beth: I've adapted it to suit my lifestyle.

Walker: Some of the boys have got to swapping stories and whatnot, and I figured I'd come out here and be upfront. I ain't gonna break the law for you, Rip.
Rip: Should have thought about that before you took the brand.
Walker: You said that brand was to prove I could be trusted.
Rip: Trust means you do what we tell you.
Walker: That ain't what that word means.
Rip: It's a good thing you think this place's pretty, Walker, cause your chance to leave it's passed you by.