John: I have enough problems without you inventing more for me.
Donnie: Look, John, you kill a bear, you'll get a thousand vegans sending letters to their Congressman, but no one'll send one goddamn letter for those tourists.

Agent: It's a fuckin' mess, John.
John: You'd think these tourists would learn that the wilderness isn't a theme park.

Young John: You gotta pay a price if you wanna work for me.
Young Rip: I ain't go no money.
Young John: It don't cost money. Just a little pain.
Young Rip: Well, pain I'm used to. May I finish my sandwich?

Ah, it hurts. You gotta help me here, cause I'm not ready for this. God damn it, I got too much to do.


John: I need you to watch Tate. He's in the other room.
Beth: Babysitting is where I draw the line.
John: Goddamn it, Beth. I'm not asking.

Kid: I didn't mean to do it.
Rainwater: That's the inmate's motto. How about you scream something else? Your contribution to this life can't be killing her. Scream that.

Jimmy: Hey, where's my horse?
Ryan: Halfway to Kentucky. One of these days we'll find one you can't fall off of.

Walker: Damn. You got buckarooed right onto your peanut.
Beth: You wanna repeat that in English? Cause I don't speak dipshit.

I'm gonna tell you something my mother told me, and you're not gonna like it. Everything's different now. All those boys you used to outwrestle and outrun, that's done. Those boys are gonna look at you different. See you different. And they're gonna look at you like you're less, like you're somehow weaker today than you were yesterday. You're not, though. You're stronger than all of them, because if men were responsible for giving birth, the human race wouldn't have lasted two generations. But after being treated like you're weaker long enough, you'll start to believe it too. That's why I'm gonna have to be hard on you, honey. I have to turn you into the man most men will never be. And I'm sorry in advance for doing it, cause you're gonna hate it, sweetheart.


Jamie: I've gotta be honest with you. I'm not an idealist. I don't want you to think my goal is changing the world.
Christina: What is your goal?
Jamie: Power.
Christina: You already have power.
Jamie: I want more of it.
Christina: What will you do with it?
Jamie: Protect my family and the families like them. My goals are the opposite of change.
Christina: That's the most idealistic thing I've ever heard a politician say.

Dr. Unger: You need to take a break.
Kayce: I'm staying with my wife.
Dr. Unger: You can come back when there's someone who can watch him.
Kayce: He's a kid. He didn't do anything wrong.
Dr. Unger: Right and wrong aren't my job. Keeping people safe is.

John: What's that? What's he saying?
Woman: He says it's wrong for one man to own all this. He says you should share the land.
[John shoots into the air, scaring everyone off]
John: This is America. We don't share land here.

Yellowstone Quotes

John: Not hungry?
Beth: Nuh-uh. I'm intermittent fasting.
John: What's that mean?
Beth: Nothing but coffee and cigarettes till noon, and then I can eat what the fuck I want till I start drinkin' at six.
John: Well, I'd love to meet the doctor who came up with that diet.
Beth: I've adapted it to suit my lifestyle.

Walker: Some of the boys have got to swapping stories and whatnot, and I figured I'd come out here and be upfront. I ain't gonna break the law for you, Rip.
Rip: Should have thought about that before you took the brand.
Walker: You said that brand was to prove I could be trusted.
Rip: Trust means you do what we tell you.
Walker: That ain't what that word means.
Rip: It's a good thing you think this place's pretty, Walker, cause your chance to leave it's passed you by.