Beth: You are a beautiful bride and this is going to be a perfect day.
Kate: No, it isn't. A million things are going to go wrong, but it's okay.
Beth: Kate Pearson. You're the most Zen bride I've ever seen. Have you been hitting the CBD pen I've got in my drawer?

I thought that if we worked hard we could fix what was broken, but instead we ended up divorced and Kate found her way to you.


Toby: I'll just cut to the chase. You and Kate are getting serious, which means that you're going to be spending a lot of time around our kids. So I thought I'd lay out what my expectations are for your behavior around them.
Philip: I think we should talk this through as well.
Toby: No matter what, you can't yell. Not in front of them and not at them, either. I know that sounds rich, coming from what you must have heard about me as a dad.

Toby: I'll pick up the kids before you leave for classes.
Kate: Toby, wait.
Toby: Look, Kate, we don't have to make a big deal out of this. It's scorching hot, and I have to get to work, so...
Kate: Just let me say this one thing. This isn't how our story ends. Just because our marriage is over doesn't mean our story has to be over.

Toby: I know that you're getting married in a few hours. Congratulations. I just wanted to say... Kate, you know what you said to me when you signed our divorce papers?
Kate: I remember.
Toby: I wanted to say, I see it now. I'm sorry that it took me so long. If only I had a crystal ball to see where this was going to end up.
Kate: Yeah. Life would be so much easier if we could live it backwards.

Toby: You know, Kate, we don't have to do this. I'm making progress with the kids, I can see it.
Kate: I see it too. And the kids are happier too.
Toby: I think we should see Diane again. I wasn't receptive at first but now -
Kate: No, Toby. I think that we're doing better because you have your own space, so you can be with the kids the way you want to be with them, without me.

Toby: I promised myself that I wouldn't turn into my parents. That I would never make my kids hear crap like that.
Kate: It's over, Toby. It's time.

Jack: You can't lock someone in the closet because she hurts Kate's feelings.
Kevin: Why not? She's our sister.

Randall: Kevin, you are a 41-year-old man who makes rash romantic decisions that reverberate for decades. We are going to keep driving and we are not going to send self-destructive texts.
Kevin: I understand why your kids hate you.

Rebecca: Where do you think we will be 10 years from now?
Jack: Still at this table waiting for our food.

Jack: Grandma? Are you sad?
Rebecca: Am I sad? You know, Grandma wants to feel useful and she's not feeling very useful right now.
Jack: Oh.
Rebecca: What about Jackie? Is Jackie sad?
Jack: Jackie sad. Mommy and Daddy are mad a lot.

Sorry about the scene back there. Every time I walk into a room with Kate, I say to myself, 'Be light. Be fun.' And then I lose myself.


This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
