I'm sorry I sprung the house on you. I thought it would be a grand gesture and I'm thinking it was a grand mistake.


Kevin: If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?
Kate: That's the problem.We're the exact same age and you guys are so far ahead of me. You've met the love of your life. And Kevin, you're so far ahead you already ruined one marriage. When I look into my future, I literally see nothing. No job, no family. Nothing.

Kate, we can do this. We can make a life together here in San Francisco.


Toby: This is my favorite coffee from my favorite coffee shop.
Kate: Brew Can Do It? You know I love a good coffee pun.

Kate: I'm trapped in Pittsburgh.
Randall: What's wrong with Pittsburgh?
Kate: Nothing's wrong with Pittsburgh. It's my life in Pittsburgh.

You blow bubbles in the water all the time. Watch, Mommy's going to do it. to herself] Ooh... there's probably a lot of pee in this pool.


Kate: You know what's funny? Sometimes I imagine hanging out with old Toby.
Madison: Old Toby?
Kate: Yeah who he was before he lost all the weight and got this new job and fancy clothes.

Kevin: Dad tried to drown me.
Rebecca: No he didn't.
Kevin: Yes he did!
Rebecca: The last thing your dad wants is for you to drown. He wants you to learn to swim before you dive off the board so that you won't drown. I know it might seem like it's out of order, but he's trying to keep you safe. It's like if you tried to build the roof on one of your Lego houses before you put up any walls. You know, Dad is really good at building things. Character, too. You should listen to him.
Kevin: I'm not like Dad.
Rebecca: Believe me, you're exactly like him.

Kevin: Do you ever feel like you're performing in a movie that no one else can see? Like, you're trying to be the kind of person you're supposed to be, who does what you're supposed to do, instead of just being that. I want to be the kind of man who does the right thing because it's the right thing to do. But how do you know if you are that person? Ever think about that?
Man: I'm just here waiting on my wife.

People like Cassidy don't give you a heads-up when they're not okay. Tonight at dinner, she didn't sit with her back to the door. I've seen that before. I've BEEN that before. This kind of thing, you don't get better. And in case you don't believe me, let me remind you that your father drank in secret to forget. And when you busted into my trailer, I had a gun sitting on the table. And that was 50 years after boots left Vietnam.


Kevin: I don't belong in the deep end. I belong in the shallow end. Cause I'm shallow and stupid.
Randall: You said it.
Kevin: You belong in the deep end, Randall. Cause you're a brainiac. You too, Kate, if you can ever get out your own way. Me, I don't have what it takes. I'm not solid. The only solid thing I had in my life was Sophie and I blew it.

Kevin: Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for being a dick.
Cassidy: You mean like an hour ago or since I met you?

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
