I'm on autopilot. I can pack the kids' lunches blindfolded and the guys at the deli know me so well they call me Pound of Ham. I didn't want to be Pound of Ham. Please tell me I'm not Pound of Ham.


Randall: It's one thing to understand these changes in Mom, but it's another to accept them.
Miguel: You think we should taste this Pinot Noir now?
Randall: What if she starts calling me William?
Miguel: Then let's toast to not calling her William.

I'm not sure this is going to work out. Believing it all will be fine does not come naturally to this Englishman, but I am trying because if this doesn't work out, it will crush your sister. Tell me, if your mother starts floundering around out there, do you have any Senatorial pull to create a city-wide blackout?


Rebecca: That's very funny, Jack.
Randall: That's Kevin, Mom. Dad hasn't been around for a while, remember?
Rebecca: Why would you say that?

Madison: Kevin couldn't have dressed the kids while we were out?
Beth: I will leave him a penis picture as punishment.

Randall:: You excited for Kate's wedding, Mom?
Rebecca: Oh yes. I just can't wait for your father to get here.
Randall: What?
Miguel: Never mind. Oh, and I wouldn't knock yourself out about the medications. Her regime is constantly changing.
Randall: I guess with the Senate campaign and everything I've missed a few things.

Philip: I just think it's a little weird. You have the whole kindergarten class singing ManEater.
Kate: Oh, they love it.
Philip: You've got my full support. Whatever filth you want them to sing, I'll be behind you all the way.

Kevin: So how's work?
Kate: It's great. Last week was 90s week so the kids all sang Backstreet Boys. My dream job really.
Toby: Now if only it paid something, we'd really come out on top.
Kate: Toby!
Toby: That was a jab at the school, not at you.

Toby: You know, Kate, we don't have to do this. I'm making progress with the kids, I can see it.
Kate: I see it too. And the kids are happier too.
Toby: I think we should see Diane again. I wasn't receptive at first but now -
Kate: No, Toby. I think that we're doing better because you have your own space, so you can be with the kids the way you want to be with them, without me.

Toby: I'll pick up the kids before you leave for classes.
Kate: Toby, wait.
Toby: Look, Kate, we don't have to make a big deal out of this. It's scorching hot, and I have to get to work, so...
Kate: Just let me say this one thing. This isn't how our story ends. Just because our marriage is over doesn't mean our story has to be over.

Kate: How do I know when it's time to end the marriage?
Kevin: I think you'll know. If the time comes, you'll know. IF the time comes. You and the kids will be fine. Look how I managed to work things out with Madison. I'm not saying that's you and Toby, but if it is, you will work it out. You will be happy again.

Toby: I promised myself that I wouldn't turn into my parents. That I would never make my kids hear crap like that.
Kate: It's over, Toby. It's time.

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
