Everyone's always ahead of me. Kevin is better at board games, Randall is better at reading, and they're both better at losing their teeth.


Kevin: Mom was very clear what she wanted. She said build me that house and that is what I've done.
Randall: Kev -
Kevin: Don't 'Kev' me. I've been a pain in her ass my entire life... building this house is the one good thing I've done in my entire life and I will honor her wishes if it kills me.

Sophie: Oh wow, this place really is a time capsule, isn't it?
Beth: Tell me about it. I found some of my Tommy Girl perfume in the cabinet.
Philip: Maybe we should go back to the house. Perhaps we could be of service?
Beth: Oh, poor sweet naive Philip. You can't help those three. Nobody can. It's been seven days since Miguel died, so that means seven days for my husband's mind to spin out while he's trying to decide what's best for his mother.

Randall: How long is she going to be like this? Asking for Miguel?
Kate: It's only been a week.
Kevin: Has anyone seen Sophie? She was gone when I got out of the shower.
Randall: She went with Beth and Philip to get bagels. Beth said this sadness needs carbs.

Miguel's son: What are you doing here?
Kevin: Look, man, I don't pretend to know about your relationship with Miguel. I assume he wasn't the greatest father growing up. I don't know. I don't talk to him about it, or about him, really. But Miguel might not have much time left. The doctors are concerned about heart failure. Take it from me, man, you don't want him to die with things unfinished between you.

Miguel: I have failed at everything else in my life. My parents. Shelley. I haven't seen my son in five years. But I made a vow.
Kate: We're not doubting your love for her -
Miguel: She wakes up every morning at 6:45 and I am the first thing she sees. It grounds her. It grounds me. I won't leave her side.

Kate: As long as you're happy.
Kevin: What? Are you really doing this? You were Dad's best friend.

Miguel: We never talk about him. Sometimes I wonder what he'd think of all this.
Rebecca: I wonder too. All the time I've spent thinking about this.
Miguel: And?
Rebecca: I think he'd want what's best for us, his two favorite people who he once left alone in a bar until they became friends.

Rebecca, I spent the last 8 years wondering if I made the right decision. I have replayed it over and over in my head, and I had to leave. I never felt like I belonged. Puerto Rico or America, English or Spanish. I never felt at home anywhere. If I'm being honest, the first time I ever felt homesick in my life was when I left you on that porch.


Miguel: I'm gonna get some Tylenol? You gonna be okay?
Rebecca: Uh huh.
[Miguel goes]
Randall: You doing okay, Mom?
Rebecca: I'm hanging in there.
Kevin: She's more than hanging in there. She was this close to going on that nature walk.
[Rebecca freezes]
Rebecca: Where'd Miguel go?

Beatriz: Mijo. He died proud of you. He would want you to know that.
Miguel: Yeah. I just wish we had more time.

Jack: Why don't you two get to know each other? Talk amongst each other.
Rebecca: Amongst? He's never used that word.

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
