Man: You speak Spanish?
Miguel: Yes. I do.
Man: I won't pretend it isn't helpful. Many of the new guys barely speak a word of English. You're hired. When you can you start?
Miguel: Right away. Oh, and it's Miguel. Miguel Rivas. I sent in two resumes, but Miguel's never got any response.

Miguel: Want to see a game. No matter where you see it.
Man: Son. Where you sit is all that matters.

I told you we'd make it. From a little seed to our first bloom. One day at a time.


Nicky: Hey. Talk about look of the hangdog. What happened?
Kevin: I don't know. I spent half the night talking to Sophie and the other half being hit on with napkin poetry.

Kevin: Your hair smells the same.
Sophie: It's not the same. It's a different shampoo.
Kevin: Okay.
[Sophie gets up] Sophie: I should leave.
Kevin: Why?
Sophie: Because you should want to be with me because of how my hair smells now, not because of your memory of how it used to smell.

Sophie: Your mom thinks we're still married.
Kevin: They call it a family disease and it is. I feel like I'm on this roller coaster. One minute she's herself and she knows who I am and the next she's somewhere else, in some other time, and she thinks I'm someone else altogether.

Kevin: I'm really glad that you found someone. You seem to be happy, Sof.
Sophie: I am happy. I'm also divorced.

Sophie: I have to admit all these redeyes are getting to me. I'm getting old.
Kevin: You're getting old? I'm getting old.
Sophie: Kevin Pearson does not age.

I rented this car for Kate and Philip, so it's either this or a golf cart.


Randall: We both know you've been staring at that door all night willing Sophie to walk through it.
Kevin: I was not doing any of those things.
Randall: How often have you seen her?
Kevin: Twice. Once at her mother's funeral and once at Kate and Philip's engagement party.
Randall: Kevin. She's a married woman. Don't cause any drama at our sister's wedding.

Rebecca: I can't tell if you look like a pizza delivery man or a porn star.
Jack: Baby, tonight I will be both.

You don't think I can handle a box. You know what I handle on a daily basis? I didn't need you to notice my hand shaking, that my doctor says is a normal reaction to my medication. I needed an hour to just drink wine. I asked you to go with me because you appreciate wine like I do. I needed that. I needed a day because it's all moving so fast now that I'm getting whiplash.


This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
