Lea: OCD? You mean she's neat and organized?
Shaun: No. That is not OCD.

Shaun: I have a new lawyer.
Joanie: I have a new client.

Glassman: She's good. She's smart. She's been helpful whenever I need it.
Shaun: How many times have you been sued?

Lim: I was in college and not ready to be a mother. I was scared and relieved. It was a medical procedure I had a long time ago that I am at peace with now. Most women are.
Jordan: That's because it was your choice, just like it was my choice. Sonia should be allowed to make her choice.
Morgan: We can't help patients choose death.

Morgan: Esther needs at least two more weeks to be viable. If we wait that long, you could die.
Sonia: If I perish, I perish. That's what Queen Esther said in the Bible.

Park: I don't have to treat you.
Man: But you will. You're not a quitter. You fought hard for your marriage. I always admired your persistence, and sometimes hated it. Looking back on my life, I don't like the view. I hurt a lot of people. That's the real reason I came here. For forgiveness.

Asher: Why did you leave St. Bons?
Shaun: He was fired for attacking an attending that harassed Claire and then he sued the hospital.
Asher: Oh, you're that guy. I heard Andrews isn't your biggest fan.
Jared: I'm surprised he let me in the building.

Jared: Good to see you, Dr. Murphy.
Shaun: Hello, Jared.
Asher: A cute doctor and a reunion!

Nathan's Dad: What if it's the last time I ever talk to him?
Park: I promise I will be as careful with Nathan as if he were my own son.

Perez: I'm not a leader.
Evelyn: Nonsense. Leaders lead.

Park: Nathan, is everything okay?
Mother: Nathan, can you answer Dr. Park, please? Is everything okay?
Nathan: No!
[Nathan reaches for pill bottles]
Mother: Those are not toys. You know, he got lots of toys for his birthday. He shouldn't be having to build castles out of pill bottles.

Lim: You do not present a patient with a surgical option that I do not think is viable.
Jordan: You're right. I thought you were being a little too conservative but -
Lim: You are a resident. You don't get to decide that.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Shaun, sometimes a woman wants advice and sometimes she just wants support.

Dr. Claire Browne