It goes down nearly to the spine. He's nearly cut in half.


Jordan: The renal bypass is still an option.
Daphne: It's risky. I'll settle for being alive.

Asher: Time for some WWSMD.
Lim: Whatever you and Jerome do on your own time is -
Asher: What would Shaun Murphy do?

You know, before COVID, my brain was sharp. I did evolutionary research, looked for patterns. Genetic... um, you know, how genes go together. Sequencing. And now my brain can't even handle the sequence of brushing my teeth.


Star karaoke from 7 pm to question mark question mark. You know it's going to be a party when there's punctuation involved.


Shaun: You closed a patient with eight sutures when you should have used ten. We have to figure out why.
Glassman: Why do we have to figure out why? Two sutures is nothing. It's a blip.

I'm sorry I was such a jerk. You opened yourself up to me and I shut down.


Shaun: Jared has made my job very difficult.
Glassman: Shaun, sit down. When you were a first-year resident, you wouldn't listen to anybody and you did things your own way. You still do. You rubbed everyone the wrong way and you made everyone's job more difficult, especially mine. But we gave you space to learn and we learned from you too, and you transformed yourself into an asset. Okay, so Jared overstepped. Give him the space to learn like you did.

Jared: I have to figure out my next move.
Jordan: Listen. This whole case you have been trying to be Mr. Fix-It about everything. Stop flexing and listen.

Jared: I was trying to think outside of the box, like you would do.
Shaun: You are not supposed to be like me. I am your attending. You are supposed to follow my instructions.

Jared: I never met anyone who wants to go to school as much as you.
Girl: I hate school. But I hate not having any control over my life even worse.

Shaun: Tumor recession is unnecessarily risky.
Patient: Please. I just want to be normal.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Shaun, sometimes a woman wants advice and sometimes she just wants support.

Dr. Claire Browne