Lea: We forgot my lucky socks, the ones I wore the last time I was in the hospital when my brilliant husband figured out a miracle surgery to save our baby.
Shaun: Those are hospital socks. Every pair is the same as the other.
Lea: But they aren't my lucky socks. I'll go home and get them.
Shaun: No. You need to change into this and get hooked up to a fetal monitor.

Andrews: You are being selfish. Forcing Nico to go through any more surgeries will only cause him more pain and you and Talia and Olivia will have nothing but bad memories of his last days.
Sebastian: I don't care about memories.
Andrews: You should. Because soon, memories are all you'll have left.

Morgan: I can't do this. I am failing at everything.
Park: When Kallan was about 3 months old, Mia had to go out of town. So I was alone with him for the first time and he was teething. And it was about 4 AM and neither of us had any sleep and all of a sudden, I knew how to fix everything. One or both of us was going out the window. [Pause] Nobody went out the window. We both fell asleep.
Morgan: Of all your failures, I've never enjoyed hearing about one more than this.

Glassman: I want Shaun off the case.
Lim: It's his patient.
Glassman: I don't want to crack someone's skull open while someone is standing next to me who is waiting for me to screw up.

Glassman: I want you to leave.
Shaun: I will be quiet.
Glassman: One of us is going to leave, Shaun, and it's not the one doing the surgery.

Glassman: He doesn't want the tumor removed, so I see nothing to discuss.
Shaun: THe tumor is pressing on his frontal lobes so he is not competent to make that decision.
Glassman: You think I am not competent to be a doctor, so there's that.

Andrews: If you want to bench our top surgeon, you need more than one indeterminate brain scan.
Lim: Our top surgeon or our top earner?

Lim: I am not comfortable with you doing surgery until we know the extent of your impairment.
Glassman: Do I look impaired?
Lim: You're a brain surgeon. The margin for error is slim.
Glassman: Most of the surgeries I do, other doctors won't touch. Without me, it's 100% that my patients will die.

Social worker: I don't have anyone else lined up. Can you give a me a few days?
Morgan: No. I know the perfect foster mother for Eden. Me.

Shut out the noise. People are going to have opinions whether you hit 300 or you get off the base. Whatever decision you make will be the right decision.


I am so grateful. I spend so much time on my own I forget how wonderful it is to have people who care about you.


Lea: Do you think Glassman is a danger to his patients?
Shaun: No. Not yet.
Lea: Then let's go to Baroni's and enjoy some meatballs and chicken wings that I will enjoy for a few hours until the indigestion kicks in.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Shaun, sometimes a woman wants advice and sometimes she just wants support.

Dr. Claire Browne