Lim: My suggestion is decide what you really want and go after it. We can't have it all.
Morgan: But plenty of men -
Lim: No, they don't. They're just less conflicted about the choices they make.

Perez: Our probations are different. Yours is a slap on the wrist for coloring outside the lines with a patient, while mine is a holding pattern. Everyone's watching me to see if I'm a surgeon or a junkie.
Asher: Part of being a surgeon is standing up for your patients.

I go along with the joke because I don't want to be the joke.


Mother: She's been dating Ryan for over a year.
Jordan: You're okay with this? A thirteen-year-old child should not be having sex.
Girl: I'm not a child! And if I want to have sex, it's nobody else's business.
Mother: Teenagers are going to do it anyway. So rather than her sneaking around, I sat her down and talked to her about safe sex.

Perez: He's been Lim's patient for years. She knows his case better than anyone.
Asher: She also knows the patient better than anyone, which could be clouding her objectivity.
Perez: You want to question the Chief of Surgery's objectivity?

I already had to fire one resident and you two are on probation. It's not exactly the vision I had for the hospital, so I thought it was time I check in on your surgical education.


It's your department and your call, but you know, you almost lost Shaun as a friend this year. I hope you're not acting out of fear of losing another one.


Lea: When I was in first grade, I begged my parents for a puppy. Tessa. She was a chocolate lab and so cute. She peed on my dad's briefcase and he returned her the next day.
Shaun: That sounds like bad parenting.

Andrews: Dr. Reznick heard the same thing you did and saw it differently.
Park: She's not a parent.
Andrews: That's patronizing, but that doesn't mean he's wrong. You're confident you can save his arm?
Park: Absolutely.
Andrews: Let's do it.
[Morgan follows Park out of the room.]
Morgan: That was a dick move. I am so tired of being told that childless people can't feel love.
Park: There is love, and there is being a parent. In nine months, you'll understand.

Boy: So you're asking me to decide whether to cut off my dad's arm?
Morgan: No, we are not. We're just trying to find out what your dad would want if he were awake.

I know I can be a lot. I learned from an early age that if I didn't push back, I'd be pushed around.


Powell: I'm building a trauma simulator.
Asher: You're weird. You'll probably be my boss someday.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Aren’t we judged by how we treat people? I don’t mean as doctors. I mean as people. Especially those who don’t have the same advantages that we have. We hire Shaun and we give hope to those people with limitations that those limitations are not what they think they are. That they do have a shot! We hire Shaun and we make this hospital better for it. We hire Shaun and we are better people for it.

Dr. Aaron Glassman

I saw a lot of surgeons in medical school. You’re much better than them. I have a lot to learn from you. You’re very arrogant. Do you think that helps you be a good surgeon? Does it hurt you as a person? Is it worth it?

Dr. Shaun Murphy