Asher: How do you crack a coconut without hurting what's underneath?
Jordan: Cardiac pericarditis. This is my grandmother, talk about her with respect.
Lim: Not your case.

Andrews: If you can see it, they can be it is a real thing.
Jordan: It is not my responsibility to be the one they see.

Sorry, did I wake you? I'm at the point where I have to pee about 78 times an hour.


Roses' Mom: We can save the rest for later.
Roses: There is no later. Where is Dr. L?

Shaun: I talked to Dr. Glassman and he said that having a child will shift our dynamics.
Lea: Okay. So if it does, we'll talk about it then.
Shaun: Well, if we can't talk about our dynamics, how about our differences?
Lea: There are 39 of them, so that's going to take a chunk of time, and whether love is enough or not, we're kind of committed to having this child together.

Shaun: Did you love Elana?
Glassman: Did I love Elana? Of course I did.
Shaun: And did you love Debbie?
Glassman: Shaun, where is this going?
Shaun: You loved Elana and Debbie and that wasn't enough. How will I know that love is enough for me and Lea?

Glassman: Shaun. Geez. You might try knocking next time, though, you know, it might be a little tough.
Shaun: What are you looking for?
Glassman: Oh, you know, just my life.

Who knows how much Victor and Shelley love each other? I know that you and Lea do a lot. And that's all that matters, at least according to the Hallmark Channel.


Jordan: This looks like pneumonia.
Lim: Yes. In both lungs.

Lea: No coffee? Glassy still in his room?
Shaun: No, he left at about 6:15 AM.
Lea: Poor Glassy. He's been so sad since his house burned down.
Shaun: How do you know he is sad?
Lea: Have you noticed how quiet he is?
Shaun: Yes. It's been nice.

Morgan: I appreciate you thinking of me, but the thing is, I'm trying to get pregnant with IVF and a donor. And I've recently decided I can't have it all.
Andrews: I don't want to overstep, but I think you're selling yourself short. My mother was a total workaholic. She was always on the phone and traveling when I was growing up.
Morgan: That must have been tough.
Andrews: It was. But she was always there when I needed her, and to this day, when I need to make a tough decision, she's the first person I call. There's more to being a great mother than parent-teacher conferences.

Jordan: Grandpa Glassman needs a new robe that doesn't look like your husband's.
Lea: Grandpa Glassy! I love that. I just wish I could unsee what I saw of Grandpa Glassy.

The Good Doctor Quotes

Asher: We'd have to remove her uterus and they're starting a family.
Shaun: She won't be able to have a baby if she's dead.

Shaun, sometimes a woman wants advice and sometimes she just wants support.

Dr. Claire Browne