Benson: Remember me?
Kid: You're the white woman who shot me.
Benson: You're lucky I didn't shoot you in the head.
Kid: You would have done me a favor.

Look, my sheet might be long, but my heart is clean. I only shoot drug dealers. And I didn't have sex with no kids.


It is important for any victim of a violent or senseless act to regain their locus of control. That is my victim statement.


Fin: I heard you blew out one of their kneecaps.
Benson: I didn't want to shoot any of them. They were just kids.
Fin: You have a lot more restraint than I would.
Benson: That was somebody's son.
Fin: Some bullets have a lesson.

Cop: Captain Benson, I need to tell you that there was some footage recovered of you in a state of undress. It'll be scrubbed before it goes to the DA.
Benson: If it'll help get this guy, I want you to use it.
Rollins: Are you sure?
Benson: We ask rape victims to share everything. Why should I be any different?

Muncy: How did you find me?
Fin: We're detectives.
Muncy: Yeah, well you're not shrinks, and I don't want company.

Pria's mother: I made a voice ID. And my daughter said it was him and so did the detectives.
Carter: Was that before or after you said it was him?

Benson: Noah and Connor have been texting non-stop. I can't say no to this.
Fin: So what are you going to do?
Benson: What any self-respecting parent would do in this situation: ask you to do a complete background check on the family.

Judge: You're just in time.
Benson: For what?
Rollins: Carisi and I decided that marriage is just like a crime. You have motive, means, and opportunity. And we didn't want to do this without all of you.

I couldn't accept Ada for who she was, and that was my loss. I never got to know her.


McDaniel: If I'd only left everything alone, maybe Cora wouldn't have been attacked.
Benson: You know, Cora needed a father. You can still be that for Ada. You can call her by the name she chose.
McDaniel: I was not a good person.
Benson: So be a better one.

Rollins: I saw you mirroring his language. Calling him Aiden.
Benson: He wasn't going to talk to me if I used the wrong pronoun.
Rollins: It wasn't wrong according to Aiden.

Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
