Woman: Dr. Tim said since I couldn't pay, I could touch it.
Fin: Touched what?
Woman: What do you think? His member, his dong, his -
Fin: We get the point. What happened?
Woman: I may be old, but I'm not stupid. I touched it, but I didn't like it.

Valesco: She [Maria] doesn't want to testify.
Benson: What are we doing to change that?
Carisi: We can hold her in contempt.
Benson: You really want to put a sexual assault victim in prison?

Fin: I couldn't just leave this case to some green Bronx SVU cop.
Benson: You leaving me too?

Bruno: I told you, I am done. That deaf girl case was my last case.
Fin: You have a monogrammed hammock in Mexico I don't know about it?

Papas: Captain Benson, I am sorry that you were hurt but I'm even more sorry that your son was traumatized.
Benson: If you say one more word against my son, it will be the last thing you ever say.

I've seen psychopaths before, but never one with an army behind him.


Papa: You need some meat on those bones, Captain.
Benson: That would be touching if you hadn't just tried to kill me.

If you were in BX9, you know what your name would be? Aspirin, cause I get a headache every time I see you.


Benson: He's a kid, and he's unaccompanied, and he is scared.
Carisi: He tried to kill you. Which one is the victim, you or him?

Benson: I'll get McGrath involved if I have to, but from now on we're doing this my way!
Duarte: What? Read bedtime stories to the kid who tried to chop you into pieces?

McGrath: Even Fin can't lie to the Feds forever. Where are you?
Benson: Do you really want to know?

Who is she? Some velvet housecat?


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
