McDaniel: I thought you were a captain.
Laura: Mark!
Benson: There's one thing you need to know about me. If I thought you killed Aiden, you'd already be in cuffs.

Rollins: So whoever did this knew how to get rid of the DNA.
ME: Sometimes an absence is a presence all in itself.

Could you imagine if it was Jessie or Billie or Noah? And we're used to seeing this stuff all the time.


You know the expression one day at a time? Right now it's one minute at a time.


Man: The guys didn't mean anything by it. They just wanted you to get laid.
Aiden: If I have to explain to you why that's wrong, that's the problem.

You know Paolo better than anyone. Do you think your daughter would be off-limits to someone who has none?


Let me get something straight. I am not afraid of you and you have no leverage over me. Sooner or later I will find something.


Benson: You did the right thing coming forward.
Nellie: You don't understand. I cannot go forward with this case or he will sue me for custody of his son.

Valesco: He's a giant superstar.
Muncy: Which means this case is going to be a giant pain in the ass.

Reporter: You don't remember me, do you? I wasn't quite so cocky back then.
Paolo: You interviewed me then?
Reporter: I was just a fan then.
Paolo: I have a lot of fans, but I'm sure I'd remember one as beautiful as you.

Lawyer: Can we hurry this up because my client's been waiting all afternoon.
Carisi: He should get used to it, because where he's going, there's not a lot else for him to do.

Spencer: What is this, Blackmail Spencer Day?
Carisi: Think of it as saving you from whoever recorded these videos. They were going to use it as leverage.

Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
