Dutch: And then I find out the guy who locked me up is with Special Victims now. You know what you are? You're a hypocrite.
Fin: What do you want from me?
Dutch: I want justice.
Fin: I can get you that. Let's get the CO who did this to you.

Everything that happened to me started that night when you tackled me that night.


Fin: I have done things I'm not too proud of.
Benson: Fortunately, you don't have to have a great past to have a great future.

We all like Fin's laid back personality and that sarcasm that is so sharp it could cut through a brake line.


Danielle: What kind of sicko rapes a woman at the scene of an accident?
Benson: He targets the vulnerable, just like every other predator on the planet.

Emma: Do you think Josh will call off our engagement because I was raped?
Benson: Only Josh can decide that. But I can tell you, if he does, he wasn't the right partner for you in the first place.

Josh: While he was raping her, he looked right at me. I think he liked it, me being helpless. What is wrong with people?
Bruno: I think the world peaked in 1999. Y2K, the world ended. It just took the scenic route.

Benson: Bruno wants to ride with us?
Fin: We already sort of talked about this.
Benson: The night Duarte died? You seriously expect me to remember anything from that night?

Muncy: That machine steal your girlfriend?
Valesco: No, I don't have a girlfriend. That machine just stole my 2 bucks.

Stabler: Why didn't you call me?
Benson: Because I knew you would try to protect me.

Woman: Why would he do that? Vets are supposed to help animals.
Fin: He is one.

Nobody gets away with threatening my son without some type of justice. And right now, yours looks pretty good. You know the saying, blood for blood.


Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Quotes

Nicole: I don't need you to pretend to want to help e.
Benson: I'm not pretending. If I say I will help you, I will.

The only thing people agree on nowadays is burying people who hurt young kids.
