I've seen psychopaths before, but never one with an army behind him.


Papa: You need some meat on those bones, Captain.
Benson: That would be touching if you hadn't just tried to kill me.

If you were in BX9, you know what your name would be? Aspirin, cause I get a headache every time I see you.


Benson: He's a kid, and he's unaccompanied, and he is scared.
Carisi: He tried to kill you. Which one is the victim, you or him?

Benson: I'll get McGrath involved if I have to, but from now on we're doing this my way!
Duarte: What? Read bedtime stories to the kid who tried to chop you into pieces?

McGrath: Even Fin can't lie to the Feds forever. Where are you?
Benson: Do you really want to know?

Who is she? Some velvet housecat?


Benson: Remember me?
Kid: You're the white woman who shot me.
Benson: You're lucky I didn't shoot you in the head.
Kid: You would have done me a favor.

Look, my sheet might be long, but my heart is clean. I only shoot drug dealers. And I didn't have sex with no kids.


It is important for any victim of a violent or senseless act to regain their locus of control. That is my victim statement.


Fin: I heard you blew out one of their kneecaps.
Benson: I didn't want to shoot any of them. They were just kids.
Fin: You have a lot more restraint than I would.
Benson: That was somebody's son.
Fin: Some bullets have a lesson.

Cop: Captain Benson, I need to tell you that there was some footage recovered of you in a state of undress. It'll be scrubbed before it goes to the DA.
Benson: If it'll help get this guy, I want you to use it.
Rollins: Are you sure?
Benson: We ask rape victims to share everything. Why should I be any different?

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
