Emma: Do you think Josh will call off our engagement because I was raped?
Benson: Only Josh can decide that. But I can tell you, if he does, he wasn't the right partner for you in the first place.

Josh: While he was raping her, he looked right at me. I think he liked it, me being helpless. What is wrong with people?
Bruno: I think the world peaked in 1999. Y2K, the world ended. It just took the scenic route.

Benson: Bruno wants to ride with us?
Fin: We already sort of talked about this.
Benson: The night Duarte died? You seriously expect me to remember anything from that night?

Muncy: That machine steal your girlfriend?
Valesco: No, I don't have a girlfriend. That machine just stole my 2 bucks.

Stabler: Why didn't you call me?
Benson: Because I knew you would try to protect me.

Woman: Why would he do that? Vets are supposed to help animals.
Fin: He is one.

Nobody gets away with threatening my son without some type of justice. And right now, yours looks pretty good. You know the saying, blood for blood.


Woman: Dr. Tim said since I couldn't pay, I could touch it.
Fin: Touched what?
Woman: What do you think? His member, his dong, his -
Fin: We get the point. What happened?
Woman: I may be old, but I'm not stupid. I touched it, but I didn't like it.

Valesco: She [Maria] doesn't want to testify.
Benson: What are we doing to change that?
Carisi: We can hold her in contempt.
Benson: You really want to put a sexual assault victim in prison?

Fin: I couldn't just leave this case to some green Bronx SVU cop.
Benson: You leaving me too?

Bruno: I told you, I am done. That deaf girl case was my last case.
Fin: You have a monogrammed hammock in Mexico I don't know about it?

Papas: Captain Benson, I am sorry that you were hurt but I'm even more sorry that your son was traumatized.
Benson: If you say one more word against my son, it will be the last thing you ever say.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
