Muncy: How did you find me?
Fin: We're detectives.
Muncy: Yeah, well you're not shrinks, and I don't want company.

Pria's mother: I made a voice ID. And my daughter said it was him and so did the detectives.
Carter: Was that before or after you said it was him?

Benson: Noah and Connor have been texting non-stop. I can't say no to this.
Fin: So what are you going to do?
Benson: What any self-respecting parent would do in this situation: ask you to do a complete background check on the family.

Judge: You're just in time.
Benson: For what?
Rollins: Carisi and I decided that marriage is just like a crime. You have motive, means, and opportunity. And we didn't want to do this without all of you.

I couldn't accept Ada for who she was, and that was my loss. I never got to know her.


McDaniel: If I'd only left everything alone, maybe Cora wouldn't have been attacked.
Benson: You know, Cora needed a father. You can still be that for Ada. You can call her by the name she chose.
McDaniel: I was not a good person.
Benson: So be a better one.

Rollins: I saw you mirroring his language. Calling him Aiden.
Benson: He wasn't going to talk to me if I used the wrong pronoun.
Rollins: It wasn't wrong according to Aiden.

McDaniel: I thought you were a captain.
Laura: Mark!
Benson: There's one thing you need to know about me. If I thought you killed Aiden, you'd already be in cuffs.

Rollins: So whoever did this knew how to get rid of the DNA.
ME: Sometimes an absence is a presence all in itself.

Could you imagine if it was Jessie or Billie or Noah? And we're used to seeing this stuff all the time.


You know the expression one day at a time? Right now it's one minute at a time.


Man: The guys didn't mean anything by it. They just wanted you to get laid.
Aiden: If I have to explain to you why that's wrong, that's the problem.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
