You know Paolo better than anyone. Do you think your daughter would be off-limits to someone who has none?


Let me get something straight. I am not afraid of you and you have no leverage over me. Sooner or later I will find something.


Benson: You did the right thing coming forward.
Nellie: You don't understand. I cannot go forward with this case or he will sue me for custody of his son.

Valesco: He's a giant superstar.
Muncy: Which means this case is going to be a giant pain in the ass.

Reporter: You don't remember me, do you? I wasn't quite so cocky back then.
Paolo: You interviewed me then?
Reporter: I was just a fan then.
Paolo: I have a lot of fans, but I'm sure I'd remember one as beautiful as you.

Lawyer: Can we hurry this up because my client's been waiting all afternoon.
Carisi: He should get used to it, because where he's going, there's not a lot else for him to do.

Spencer: What is this, Blackmail Spencer Day?
Carisi: Think of it as saving you from whoever recorded these videos. They were going to use it as leverage.

Benson: You know, if we find out that you were involved in this assault, either overtly or implied, I'm coming back with a gift.
Lena: What's that?
Benson: A pair of bracelets.

Maggie: Nothing happened, right? I can't have sex.
Benson: You were assaulted, Maggie. It wasn't vaginally.
Rollins: I know this can be hard to hear. Given the timeframe,we're lucky to get any evidence at all.
Maggie: Why didn't I help you earlier?
Benson: You were in denial. That's normal.

Spencer: Rich people value one thing more than money.
Muncy: What's that?
Spencer: Discretion.

Man: Is she going to be okay?
Rollins: She thinks so. [to Fin] Did you get anything?
Fin: He's not the most reliable witness. He thinks she was chased by a crow.

Rollins: What can you tell me about this party?
Spencer: It was a mix of Wall Street billionaires and tech bros.

Law & Order: SVU Quotes

Benson: Thank you for coming forward.
Woman: What this company is doing, the way it treats women pilots, is despicable. But what you're doing... it's about damn time.

We have two options. One is bad. The other is worse. Either we missed one or... Yeats has a copycat.
