Simmons: The compound is part of a formula that first appeared in Germany during World War II.
Ernest: During World War II? I think you're half-cocked on the moonshine.
Simmons: It was synthesized by a German scientist named Abraham Erskine.
Coulson: I don't like where this is going.
Simmons: And first used by a man named Johann Schmidt.
Daisy: The Red Skull.
Simmons: Freddy Malick is about to deliver the key ingredient used to create the Super Soldier serum.
Ernest: You give a name like that to your juice, it better have a hell of a kick.
Coulson: You have no idea.

Enoch, this looks like the start of a marvelous friendship.


Freddy: Faster! They're gaining on us!
Mack: This boat won't go any faster!
Freddy: You gotta give them the slip!
Deke: Yeah, and we gotta lose them too.

I'm a doctor, not a dame.


May: You're not Sarge.
Coulson: No, I'm not.
May: You're not Coulson either.
Coulson: Well, yes and no. Aren't you at all surprised? I mean, I was dead.
May: You still are.

Mack: If they're Chronicoms, they're waiting for FDR.
Coulson: When he gets here, it'll be a whole new deal. Am I right?

Deke: Navigating the past happens to be my specialty.
Yo-Yo: Last time you got stupid drunk and ended up in jail.
Deke: That's not true. I was pleasantly drunk and it was hilarious.
Daisy: He'll be fine. It's prohibition, so alcohol is illegal anyway.
Deke: It's what? Who would think that's a good idea? Even the Kree let us make our own boot juice.

Coulson: It's the Great Depression. A decade before Pearl Harbor. Almost four decades before Apollo 11. These people have never even seen a TV.
Mack: Or a black man in a fine suit apparently.
Daisy: Imagine if they saw my powers.
Coulson: Or my gears. Do I have gears, do you think?

Simmons: Fitz said he tried to send me a message, but I'm not entirely sure how to find it.
Yo-Yo: You must be worried about him.
Simmons: He's safe. But I do miss him.
Yo-Yo: Well, it's not exactly your first go at being separated by space and time.
Simmons: Practice makes perfect I suppose.

Two years in ten seconds. It's like the worst episode of "This Is Your Life" ever.


In remembrance of our fearless leader Phillip J. Coulson. He gave us his wisdom, his love, and his life (a couple of times).

Memorial Plaque

I’ve lived a life surrounded by heroes. None bigger than all of you.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.