Deke: You gotta be kidding me! That is totally nuts!
Davis: Yeah, no joke. It really happened. Good thing, too, otherwise it woulda killed me.
Kim [grumbling]: I’ve had to hear *this* story enough.
Deke: Yeah, but that’s the most incredible story I’ve ever heard! And I’m the same age as my grandparents!

Fitz: What if all we have to do is not fail?
Simmons: That’s quite an audacious leap. Especially from someone who once believed time cannot be changed.
Fitz: Maybe it’s time to be audacious.

Qovas: You are now prisoners of war. I suggest you use your time to consider the disrespect you’ve shown.
Coulson: Suggest all you want. You’re just the villain of the month, and you’re going down. Just like all the rest.

Coulson: So what’s our plan?
Talbot: Well, you and I are gonna show these ETs who’s boss. Don’t worry! I can fix this.
Coulson [not comforted]: I’d really wish you’d stop saying that.

I’ve been angry for so long. Y’know, every time I got passed over, ignored, talked down to, I swallowed it. Told myself I’d make it better for Ruby, but the anger was just… always there, the hatred. In the end, all I did was carry out Hydra’s agenda. I never even took a breath and stopped to think about the… the gift that life had given me. I failed her. Ruby died for nothing, and it was all my fault.


Coulson: Why gravitonium?
Alien Leader: Because its power is unlimited. It can bend space, build empires and destroy them.
Coulson: Couldn’t you just find a fun game on your phone instead?

Yo-Yo: After all your finger-wagging, the same rules don’t apply to you?!
Daisy: You are the *last* person who should be giving a lecture right now!

I’m leaving this man in charge. Anybody here disobeys an order, you’ll suffer the same pretzel logic your friend did earlier.


Mack: When does killing become the only way? We’re SHIELD. We’re supposed to be better than that. None of this would’ve happened if you would’ve just said this “invincible” nonsense wasn’t real. But instead you and Simmons lit a match and now Yo-Yo’s responsible for a girl’s death!
Fitz: I’m sorry, Mack. I really am. But it’s not that simple.
Mack: Simple? Is how you live a good life. Not with your theories or prophesies. It’s following the Good Word and doing the right thing every time. Simple as that.
Fitz: No. Not always, ‘cause there’s lots of instances in history where it was necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the lives of many.

We are at WAR! A war we will surely lose as long as I am not the most powerful being in the universe.


Yo-Yo [to Daisy]: This isn’t about the decision, is it? This is not about following your orders!
Daisy: It’s about both!
Yo-Yo: Well, we didn’t pick *you*! Coulson made that decision and brought you back, when he could’ve broken the loop right there!

I’m Air Force, Phil. I know enough about navigational aids to know that every hangar has a landing assist…


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.