Sousa: There's a bucket of reasons I shouldn't trust you all, but you did save my life. I think S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by HYDRA.
Mack: You got it.
Daisy: Yeah.
Sousa: Wait, what? How do you know that?
Mack: It's classified, but we're familiar with HYDRA.

Mack: Well it's easier to let a bad man live than to let a good man die.
Coulson: That's catchy, and I wish I'd said it. But Agent Sousa's sacrifice was an inspiration to others in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Mack: Like yours was for the Avengers.
Coulson: Well, let's not oversell it.
Mack: It's a fact. It's also a fact you got a chance to fight another day.
Coulson: I did, but if Sousa lives, we don't know what impact that'll have on history.

Deke: In the '50s, were women allowed to drive?
Yo-Yo: Yes, of course. Why would you-
Deke: I'm sorry! I don't know. I mean, we were just in the '30s and they were really stylish, but it was so sexist and racist. But the '50s though...are still pretty sexist and racist.
Yo-Yo: It always gets better, just never fast enough.
Deke: And some things never change.
Yo-Yo: Can't hurt to try though.
Deke: Well, it could. If we lose control of the timeline and it goes skidding off the road. So that's not the mission now, right?
Yo-Yo: Yep, we're the agents of status quo.
Deke: Sounds like you don't agree with it.
Yo-Yo: Sounds like you do.
Deke: I don't know.

Sousa: Stark's not going to be at the drop, you know. It'll be his man in LA.
Coulson: That's too bad. I was hoping to meet him.
Sousa: You worked on this for Howard, and you've never met him?
Coulson: Sent a few encouraging messages to the lab.
Sousa: Sounds like him.
Coulson: What's he like?
Sousa: A pompous ass.
Coulson: Big thinkers can come off that way, makes for a divide between those in the lab and those in the field.
Sousa: Yeah, I'm feeling it now.

You were shot after delivering that gadget. I can show you the files, you're a hero. So, congrats and condolences.


Fate, I don't believe in it. But I know history, I know how the story goes. And when it's playing out right in front of you, it feels like you can't escape it. That fate's gonna catch up to you. Tap you on the shoulder. Whisper in your ear that your time's up. And then your story ends. Sometimes the hero has to die and there's nothing you can do about it.


Coulson: Sorry, really.
Sousa: Let me out of here, right now!
Coulson: I'm a fan.
Simmons: He really is!
Daisy: We're the good guys, I swear!

Coulson: We know Area 51 is a S.H.I.E.L.D. base.
Daisy: We do?
Coulson: All the Areas are.
Daisy: Wow, conspiracy me was so right.

Deke: I'm not...Look, I'm not the guy you met in the Lighthouse, not anymore. And I don't want to be.
Daisy: I know.

Stupid white privilege.


Man: Welcome, sir. You are on our visitor list, but your secretary is not.
Coulson: Oh, she's not my secretary. She's my boss.
Simmons: I think you'll agree, I don't need to be on the list.
Man: Right. Sorry, ma'am. It's an honor. Uh, right this way Miss Carter.
Coulson: You're enjoying this way too much, Peggy.

Yo-Yo: So after everything we've seen, no one blinks twice at a woman pilot?
May: Women pilots in the 40s and 50s outflew the men. They had to since we were towing their targets for target practice.
Yo-Yo: Whoa, impressive. But still-
May: Sexist? Yeah.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.