Coulson: Where's Daisy?
Sibyl: Abducted. By Nathaniel Malick. He wants to take her power.
Coulson: What are the chances he'll succeed?
Sibyl: Twenty-two percent.
Coulson: Will Daisy survive?
Sibyl: Eighty-six percent.
Coulson: That's my girl.

I designed a biological implant to suppress my memories. I named her "Diana." She's adorable and we're inseparable, literally.


Mack's mom: Who are you?
Mack: This is Agent Rodriguez, she's my girlfriend.
Yo-Yo: Oh, I don't think these strangers care about that, Director Mack-lemore.

May: There's something wrong with that agent.
Coulson: I know, you'd think someone named Stoner would be a little more fun.
May: No, the woman.

Daisy: Malick's little psycho-
Nathaniel: Psycho? Now that's unfair and very well-timed. Wow, right as I'm walking in. Hi, Nathaniel. Uh, the two of you took me hostage, changed my life.
Daisy: Yeah, how about you unchain us and we can hug it out? And HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D can be together at last.

Rick Stoner: Your friends blew up my rocket on the Fourth of July.
Coulson: You didn't want that thing to reach orbit General. You would have found that out the hard way.
Rick Stoner: Because time-traveling robots would have turned the deadly lasers upon the Earth?
Coulson: More or less, yeah.

Yo-Yo: I was wondering why you brought me here. I'm hardly even fit for recon. What if we run into complications Mack?
Mack: You're damn fine at what you do, with or without your powers. They don't define you.
Yo-Yo: Then why do you call me Yo-Yo?
Mack: Because you always bounce back.

Daisy: What happened to blending in?
Sousa: I just don't understand the functional appeal of those...elephant pants.
Daisy: You mean the bell-bottoms?
Sousa: Sure. How do people in your time function with all the extra fabric around their feet?
Coulson: I got news for you. This isn't actually our time period.
Daisy: Well, fortunately there's unfashionable squares in every decade, so you are set.

Sousa: I was taken out of my life for this!
Deke: Yeah, we all were! We all were.

Come with me if you want to continue to exist.


You ever see a James Bond movie Mack? An underground base full of men in jumpsuits, always a bad deal.


Sousa: Any idea how HYDRA got Insight so early?
Coulson: Got a feeling it's the Chronicoms.
Sousa: Are you sure? Or is that just a trout in the milk? Trout in the milk? Is that...mmhm. Must be old-timey speak.
Coulson: We call it circumstantial evidence, so yes. But I like it.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.