Addison: Wyatt asked me out on a date.
Naomi: Oh.
Addison: He's different than I thought.
Naomi: Okay, well, can I just say that you're in a relationship, so, you know, knees together.

Addison: Remember when Maya told you to get a life?
Naomi: I have a life. I have a great life.
Addison: I'm just standing, here on my patio, in the dark, spying on your ex, his girlfriend and your daughter.

(Violet is being examined by Addison)
Addison: I think that it's hard to figure out who the right person is.
Violet: Thank you.
Addison: Yeah, I mean Kevin's great but is he the one? Or is it someone else?
Naomi: I want to be okay with this Sonia thing, I do, I do, but I don't think I care that Sam is dating. Do I care? Am I in denial? No, this is about Maya, right? I'm not crazy, this is about Maya, I'm not crazy.
Violet: Does this really look like the time for therapy?

Addison: If you want to work with Wyatt again, work with Wyatt again. Don't not do it because of what I say.
Naomi: You comfortable with that?
Addison: I'm not comfortable thinking that my advice colors what you say or what you do. Hate him for yourself, or not.

Addison: Hey, do you think I missed the boat with Pete?
Naomi: Ugh. You didn't miss a Pete boat. You dodged hurricane Pete.
Addison: You really think it's gonna end that badly?
Naomi: Are we talking about the same Pete?

Naomi: I want to do something bad. Oh no, no, no, it's not bad, actually I think it's going to make me feel good, only Sam and Addison are going to hate me. Wyatt Lockhart.
Violet: You're going to sleep with Wyatt Lockhart?
Naomi: No, no, no, no. I'm considering consulting with him on a case. But sleeping with him-
Violet: I'm sorry. You said that it was something bad but it was going to make you feel good, so I ...
Naomi: So you went straight to sex?
Violet: I did. I did. I went to sex.

Violet: I am sex-less. I am without sex. Which can be healthy. Celibacy in some cultures is seen as a sign of strength. So I am strong. I am a strong healthy woman.
Addison: Hm, I miss sex.
Naomi: What are you talking about? You've got a gorgeous man sleeping in your bed.
Addison: Yeah, that's all he is doing in my bed. Doctor's orders.
Naomi: You have sex on the horizon, which is better than having had amazing sex in your recent past with no visible sign of it happening ever again.

Naomi: Who knew that meaningless sex could be amazing?
Violet: You had meaningless sex? Congratulations.

Naomi: Where's the prodigal brother?
Addison: He's showing Kevin around, hopefully making nice. Apparently Archer didn't appreciate Kevin treating him like a criminal when they first met.
Naomi: You mean when he broke in like a criminal?
Addison: Exactly.

(Addison is driving and talking on the phone with Naomi)
Naomi: Hey, Addison.
Addison: I think I may have gone too far.
Naomi: With what?
Addison: I followed him.
Naomi: What do you mean you followed him?
Addison: At first it was just a routine surveillance.
Naomi: You are not a cop!
Addison: I followed him to work, to the precinct which is apparently where I should have stopped.
Naomi: Oh, God. Where - where are you now, crazy woman?
Addison: I'm not insane. I went to the precinct. Five minutes later he comes roaring out of the parking garage in another car, a van.
Naomi: Dit it - dit it not occur to you that he might be working?
Addison: Of course he could be working. Only maybe he's not working. People lie. They lie and they cheat and they ruin people's lives and I'm not gonna be one of those women who gets dumped.
Naomi: Addison - Addison, you have to be careful. (Addison pulls over, she can see the sirens and a police intervention)
Addison: Or maybe he's working.

[to Addison] First you sleep with your husband's best friend, then you sleep with your best friend's husband. You would be the worst person ever!

Hi. Did you sleep with Mark Sloan on the floor of your office?

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches