Addison: There was definitely flirting. With the surgeon.
Naomi: Uh huh.
Addison: (singing) Cute surgeon, cute surgeon.

Addison: Why rush it?
Naomi: Because I want to go away with my boyfriend. Like a woman. Like a woman with a lover. Lover. Lover, I like that. It's a lot better than boyfriend. He's my lover. What do you think?
Addison: Lover ...
Naomi: No. It sounds stupid. It's so like soap opera.
Addison: No, it's got ...
Naomi: Paramour ...

Sam: It's hard to believe the five of us back togeher again.
Naomi: Six. Six, Archer makes six.
Sam: Right, six, I forgot about Archer, six.
Mark: And if you count the worms in Archer's brain, that makes, like, twenty six.

Derek: Next time I save your life, Archer, a simple thank you would suffice. If you were a neurosurgeon and not just a neurotic, you would know that it is common for a CSP to temporarily fill with fluid, post surgery. Repeat the CT in a month and this will be clear.
Naomi: What? You mean he's going to be fine?
Derek: No, he's going to be an ass, like he's always been.

Naomi: (talking about Sam's asthma attack) I never saw an attack this bad before. I mean he wasn't exerting, he wasn't walking through a field of wild, blooming, flowers. He was just in a hospital.
Addison: And yet watching you doting over Archer, he was unable to get oxygen into his lungs. Do I need to draw a picture?

Sam: Hah!
Naomi: Excuse me?
Sam: I said, hah! Hah, because I was right. Hah, because it was an allergic reaction, so hah to Mark and Addison and you, if you believed them. It was not a panic attack. It was an asthma attack. I am not pathetic. I am a man. I am a man with asthma. So, hah!

Archer: I'm signing myself out.
Naomi: What? Against all medical advice?
Archer: Against your medical advice. Which makes you my doctor, so you have doctor-patient confidentiality.
Naomi: What, wait, wait. You want me to lie to Addison?
Archer: Yes.

Archer: I have a date.
Naomi: You have a date? With another woman?
Archer: I don't date men. I support the choice but ...

Naomi: Teri Hughes' mother came in today.
Violet: Why?
Naomi: We have Teri and Mark's embryos in our freezer and she wants them implanted ... in her. I don't know what to do.
Violet: I do. Say no.
Naomi: Well, I know there are issues with her carrying her own grandchild, and her age, but Sharon seems to-
Violet: I'm not interested in Sharon's reasons. Teri was my patient. I'm interested in what she'd think. And she would never ever want this.
Naomi: But how can you be so sure?
Violet: Teri hated her mother. Giving that woman another child, Teri's child, would have been her worst nightmare.

Naomi: I'm still hoping that the Sinclairs will come through.
Addison: They walked in a crisis. Would you want that for your kid?

Addison: Why is everyone so stuck on what did or didn't happen with Wyatt?
Naomi: Well who is is stuck on it? Are you going to tell Kevin?
Addison: No. There's nothing to tell. It didn't happen. I didn't cheat. I didn't go out on a date. I just went into his office and kissed him.

Addison: Sonia is being fun because she's trying to make a good impression. That's what happens when things are new. Look at me and Kevin. Not so new, not so nice, either.
Naomi: That sounds like marriage.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches