Naomi: Addison, let another surgeon handle this!
Addison: I can save them both, Na, I can save them both!

Naomi: Cooper?
Cooper: She'd want you to save her uterus. I know everything about her ... everything she's ever done and every thought she's ever had about a guy, including the two of you ... Violet ... this is what she'd want.

"It's amazing what some people will do to entertain themselves."

Naomi: God's trying to tell us something.
Sam: It's a coincidence.
Naomi: No. We... we have sex and then the day after, our priest summons us? It's the fires of hell, Sam. We had sex!
Sam: Just don't mention that we got a divorce. I don't need a lecture. Play it cool.

Naomi: Still don't think God's trying to tell us something?
Sam: You don't really think we're being punished for what we did last night?
Naomi: What, just because we may have some rare tropical, probably deadly, disease the morning after we have sex?
Sam: Well, if we are sick... I'm glad we got some.
Naomi: How sentimental.
Sam: That was a joke... I was joking.

Addison: This girl, Darcy, she carried her for nine months. I've had her for one night... one night, and the thought of her being thrown into some foster home is killing me.
Naomi: You can't have this baby, Addison.
Addison: I know... I named her ... Batgirl.
Naomi: (laughs) Okay, you just can't have kids.

Violet: I like your breasts.
Addison: You have a good ass.
Violet: Thank you! I like it.
Naomi: Hey hey hey! The point is, we should not be having sex in the office.
Violet :Who is having sex in the office?
Naomi: No one. No one! That's the point! It gets complicated, you just... you don't know where you stand.

Priest: I would sneak in at night and we would ...
Sam: You don't have to say.
Priest :I would sneak in at night and we would... cook.
Naomi: Cook?
Priest I couldn't boil water before she arrived, never had to. But then I would see her and she was just so graceful and smart. When anyone else was around, I would ask her for pointers. It's been years now, we have never touched. I knew it was forbidden. She would be away on missions and I just... A part of me was always waiting.
Sam: And the next time you can be together.
Priest: I missed my friend.

Violet: He recognizes something in me, something that makes him feel whole.
Some talk about the camp David Summit, some chat about how we can't possibly, the Secret Service is... The next thing you know, I have a Presidential Library in Little Rock and there's a legendary picture of me and Bill laughing and sharing sections Of "The Times" while our child plays under the dinner table... And... orgasm.
Naomi: You're really over Allan, aren't you?
Violet: Oh, I got Bill now. Bill's all I need.

Naomi: Is that a chocolate cake?
Dell: Yeah, I made it. But you can have some if you want.
Naomi: Addison, you want some chocolate cake?
Addison: Can I talk to you?
Naomi: Thanks.

Okay, first of all, you need to start watching more current TV. And second of all, it's just a little rain. It'll... it'll pass.

Addison: Where are the beautiful people running in slow motion on the beach?
Naomi: What?

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches