Naomi: I should try not to cry.
Addison: For the next ten minutes, I'm going to be the responsible. And you go ahead and cry. Go ahead. It's okay. You cry. I'm here.

Betsey: Where am I going to live?
Naomi: You're coming home with me
Violet: She is?
Betsey: For how long?
Naomi: How about forever?
Betsey: Really?
Naomi: Really.

Addison: There's been this wall up between you and me since Sam and I got together, and I don't want it there anymore. I want my best friend back. That's it. You're not going to say anything?
Naomi: I hope it was worth it.

Naomi: There's a law against stalking.
Fife: Prison doesn't scare me.

Naomi: Just coming back here, I'm just not sure anymore. How far is too far for everyone? I'm sorry...I just - nothing feels right here anymore. I wish it did, but it just doesn't. I can't. I just can't be here.
Gabriel: Then, come with me then. I was over you...over you. Back at the NIH doing the kind of work I love, and they were happy to have me back...excited about the cutting edge research I was doing for them. They threw money at me. Research grants, post docs, unlimited lab resources - It was a dream job and I had it all. I had everything, almost everything. I quit my job and walked out on them. Sold my place and sold everything I owned. I came out here to be with you.
Naomi: You're my past, Gabriel. You're all my past.

You know what. Your boyfriend was my husband for 17 years. He married me. I had his child. So, unless you ever hit those milestones, my relationship with Sam will always trump yours.

Naomi: The last time I saw you, you yelled at me and you just rolled off.
Gabriel: Rolled? Really... Nae?
Naomi: That, that's not what I meant.
Gabriel: He's gone, and I'm back. So, let the wooing begin.

Naomi: You want to hear something incredibly sad?
Addison: Who says yes to that?
Naomi: I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Addison: Hey Pete.
Pete: Hey.
Addison: Have fun at your class!
Naomi: Have fun at your class...
Addison: I'm being a friend,OK? We're doing friendship.
Naomi: Yeah, I'm your friend and you never been that nice to me, ever.
Addison: We are adjusting, all right?

(Dell walks into Naomi's office at the end of the day)
Naomi: Oh, hi, Dell. What is...
(Dell grabs her coat)
Naomi: Oh, thank you.
(He helps her into it, then pushes her against the window, kissing her passionately. He stops. Naomi looks stunned)
Dell: I... I don't have it all together, okay? But I'm not a kid. I'm a man. Who loves you. Who's going to fight for you.

Naomi: So. You got Maya?
Sam: Yes. I have Maya, so you go and do your thing with the oats.
Naomi: With the what?
Sam: The oats.
Naomi: Oh, sow my oats. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you for calling him.
Sam: You know you look a little slutty. Maybe if you changed ... cover up ...
Naomi: Oh, no, no, no, no. Slutty's good. You know, for sowing oats, slutty is very good, you know. I'm not trying to get a husband here.

Naomi: I am sowing my oats. These are oats. They're oats that are not married cardiologists.
Addison: Whoa, whoa, whoa. There is nothing going on with Noah, okay. It was a flirtation, but he's married so it's over. At least at a bar there'd be cocktails.
Naomi: Yeah, but the dudes wouldn't be wearing shorts.

Private Practice Quotes

[asked if a husband with sexual problems still likes sex] "He's a guy and he's not dead. I'm guessing yes."


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches