MARK: "That was less than enthusiastic."
ADDISON: "I'm gonna be more enthuasiastic when we cross the finish line."
MARK: "Just making sure you haven't lost interest in the project."
ADDISON: "Not at all."
MARK: "Good!"

MARK: "Twenty-eight more days and then it's you and me in a locked room for record breaking, earth shattering, mind blowing..."
ADDISON: "I got it. Thank you."

RICHARD: "Addison, I wouldn’t know where to start."
ADDISON: "Ask me to dance."
RICHARD: "Well, there’s no dance floor."
ADDISON: "So? Ask me anyway."

RICHARD: "Well, you think about it. I mean, when you’re married you like to think you still have game."
ADDISON: "Practice on me."
RICHARD: "I’m sorry?"
ADDISON: "Mark’s right. I mean, he’s wrong about so many things, but he is right about this. You need to get back out there. So, practice."

RICHARD: "The last time I tried to pick up a woman I had a Harvey Wallbanger in one hand and an afro pick in the other."
ADDISON: "Oh, Richard."

IZZIE: "What if it's God's plan?"
ADDISON: "So... God wants you to be an adulterer?"

MARK: "What do do you consider your weaknesses?"
ADDISON: "I don't have any. I'm that good. What are yours?"
MARK: "I'm an easy mark for evil redheads."

ADDISON: "You know, sometimes I think what a waste it is to throw away all that history."
MARK: "I'm a flawed and I'm a... a wreck, but you... it wasn't a game."
ADDISON: "60 days. Go 60 days with no sex, no other women. You go 60 days cold turkey and maybe... I'll believe you."
MARK: "So I only have sex with you?"
ADDISON: "No. No sex with anyone. Grow up Mark. Find another way to scratch the itch."
MARK: "Say I do , you'll give us another try. A real try, the couple thing, no sneaking around, no booty calls."
ADDISON: "If you make it. Yes."
MARK: "Okay. We're on. Oh, and Addison, if I'm not having sex, neither are you."
ADDISON: "Who would I possibly be having sex with?"

ADDISON: [watching Derek] "We never had that. He never felt that way about me."
MARK: "I did."

ADDISON: "It’s not good."
CRISTINA: "Is she still cyanotic? What was her initial temp? I mean, what is taking so long?"
ADDISON: "Dr. Yang! It’s not good. They’re doing everything they can. You should maybe... um... prepare yourselves."

DEREK: "I wanna go in there."
DEREK: "There’s a risk of brain damage. I need to go in there."
ADDISON: "Derek, you can’t. Not for Meredith, not for anybody. You’re in no shape."

DEREK: "Tell me."
ADDISON: "Her temp’s still 86. There’s still no heartbeat. We’re hoping once she warms up..."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.