ALEX: "Hey."
ADDISON: "I was gonna go get a drink. You wanna head over to Joe’s?"
ALEX: "Yeah, I’m kinda under about this test."
ADDISON: "Okay. You know, um, I took that test once upon a time. We could, um, go back to my hotel... I could quiz you."
ALEX: "Look, uh, this isn’t... you’re not my girlfriend, okay?"
ADDISON: "What?"
ALEX: "No offense, today was awesome. It’s just, I’m really busy, I have a lot of work. I don’t have time for ..."
ADDISON: "No, of course. Study. It’s what you’re here for, right?"

ALEX: "So that's all? There's nothing more we can do? Am I overreacting?"
ADDISON: "Believe me, I wish someone would care that much about my blood pressure."
ALEX: "Well, from what I hear, in 28 days, you will."

"Which cake should I have? This one has fruit in it, so I can pretend I'm eating healthy."

ADDISON: "What are you doing?"
PETE: "I’m going to kiss you. I’m going to kiss you with tongue. I’m going kiss you so you feel it. Okay?"
ADDISON: "Okay."

[to Pete] "It's just, where I come from elevators tend to be this kind of aphrodisiac, you know? People get on them and they just get all horny."

SAM: "Hey... you want details, go see Naomi."
ADDISON: "She won´t talk about it."
SAM: "Then you get no details."
ADDISON: "I'm on her side, you know that?"
SAM: "That's why you get no details."
ADDISON: "Details!"
SAM: "Woman, be quiet."
ADDISON: [smiles] "I even missed you."

ADDISON: "Did you cheat?"
SAM: "Two things I learned back in kindergarden. One, keep your hands to yourself. Two, he who smelt it, dealt it."
ADDISON: "That makes no sense.
SAM: "Yeah, well, you cheated… you cheated on your husband with his best friend. There. Smelt it, dealt it. It works."
ADDISON: "You're using fart logic!"

ADDISON: [slaps Sam]
SAM: "Ow!"
ADDISON: "Idiot. You divorced Naomi?"
SAM: "Just mind your own business."
ADDISON: [slaps Sam again]
SAM: "Ouch!"
ADDISON: "Moron. She’s my best friend."
SAM: "Stop hitting me on top of my head."

NAOMI: "You want to have a baby?"
ADDISON: "I want to have a baby."

ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."
NAOMI: "You got fat."
ADDISON: "I am not!"
NAOMI: "Your hair is hideous."
ADDISON: "It is not!"
NAOMI: "And you're getting really, really ugly."
ADDISON: "Aww. I missed you too."

MARK: "I'm not what you're looking for."
ADDISON: "What...are you talking about?"
MARK: "I slept with someone. I couldn't hold out. Once a man whore, always a man whore, right?"

RICHARD: "Go away!"
ADDISON: "But we can help!"
PRESTON: [to Addison] "No, WE can help."
ADDISON: "What's that supposed to mean?"
PRESTON: "He doesn't have any woman parts."
ADDISON: "Irrelevant."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.