"There you are. I just stopped by to see how Lisa and the baby are doing."


ADDISON: "You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband."
NAOMI: "It’s actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It’s very healthy. We're healthy."
ADDISON: "What happened between you and Sam?"
NAOMI: "Addison, you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago."
ADDISON: "Oh, Naomi. Come on. You can’t stay mad at me forever. I know you."

ADDISON: "I need this job, Richard. I need it more than the others."
RICHARD: "Addison..."
ADDISON: "No, I need a reason to stay here. I need a reason to get up every morning. I need to get up and not care if it's raining or that I'm 39 and alone."
RICHARD: "That's why. If you need a job to get a new life you even need a new job or a new life."

[after hearing Preston's vows] "I think I speak for ever woman here when I say... Dump her. Dump Yang and marry me."

ADDISON: "You want Ava."
ALEX: "She's not Ava anymore. She's Rebecca and I barely know her."
ADDISON: [pauses] "Look at me. Look at me! You suck. To me, you suck. I kind of hate you. But Alex, you do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. And this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could change your life. No matter what her name is, she'll always be Ava to you."

ADDISON: "I always find it confusing. If you know the bride AND the groom, which side do you sit on?"
ALEX: "I just try to find the hottest chick in the room and sit by her."
ADDISON: "Stop."
ALEX: "Do you want to ditch the reception and grab a drink?"
ADDISON: "Stop it. You don't want me."
ALEX: "Maybe I do."

MARK: "The bachelor party was short handed. Which explains why I'm here."
ADDISON: "I'm the only woman here. Am I supposed to the be the entertainment? Because I'm not stripping."
DEREK: "That's all right, we've all seen it before."
MARK: "True."
PRESTON: "I haven't."

ADDISON: "I am being stalked by pregnant women."
CALLIE: "You're an obstetrician."

ADDISON: "It's a great time. Don't let me and my fossilized eggs discourage you."
CALLIE: "We're gonna be friends still if I get pregnant?"
ADDISON: [smiles] "Absolutely not!"

CALLIE: "Why don’t you just go there already?"
ADDISON: "Because he doesn’t barbeque either. Plus he’s like 12 years old and could fit all his belongings in a milk crate."
CALLIE: "Well, guys like Karev… at least you know he’ll never lie to you. Guys like him, they must run in their 20s, but then they, you know, pack it in and teach their kids to play catch."
ADDISON: "Maybe. Ahh, I need to stop thinking about both of them."
CALLIE: "And I have to stop thinking about Izzie Stevens."
ADDISON: "Hey, Callie, here’s the thing. When you’re obsessing about something like that, there’s generally a reason."

CALLIE: "I caught George in a lie the other day. He said he spent the day in the clinic when he spent it doing god knows what with Izzie Stevens. It’s probably nothing, right?"
ADDISON: "Right."
CALLIE: "Right. So how’s your manwhore? Miraculously reformed?"
ADDISON: "For now. It’s never gonna turn him into... what I want."
CALLIE: "Which is?"
ADDISON: "The whole thing. I want someone stable who barbeques and teaches kids how to play catch. That’s not Mark Sloan. Which doesn’t explain why I spent the entire day looking at Alex Karev like a puppy at a chew toy."

ADDISON: "Karev."
ALEX: "Hey. I was just checkin’ up on Ava.
ADDISON: "Do I have another Denny Duquette situation on my hands?"
ALEX: "What? Are you serious?
ADDISON: "I have never seen you so attentive with a patient. You’re always there, checking her stats, running tests, doing research!"
ALEX: "It’s my job.
ADDISON: "No, it’s my job. I’m her doctor. You’re my intern."
ALEX: "Which is why I have to know her stats at all times. Because I’m not about to stand next to you in your OR and be anything less than over prepared, ok? There’s no way I’m gonna go to work every day with a surgeon like you and not be at the top of my game. So, if you wanna yell at me ... "

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.