ADDISON: "I gotta tell you. This group of interns..."
PRESTON: "Emotional."
ADDISON: "Headstrong."
PRESTON: "Hot-headed, stubborn. They think they know everything. You can only give them so much rope before they hang themselves with it. They lose all rationality, they won't listen to reason."
ADDISON: "Jeez, Preston. Don't hold back."

ALEX: "I would notice."
ADDISON: "What?"
ALEX: "I would notice...if you were missing, I would notice."

[stares at Mark, Preston, Derek] "All alone! Do any of you even know what that's like? Lives with Cristina ... digs the perfect 12-year old ... Manwhore! His wife left him! After 25 years of marriage. So if the man wants to dye his hair for the ladies, let him dye his hair for the ladies! Now leave him be."

PRESTON: [to the Chief] "What happened to your hair?"
ADDISON: "Leave him be."
MARK: "He dyed it."
DEREK: "But why?"
ADDISON: "Leave him be!"
DEREK: "What are you doing?"
PRESTON: "Okay... but why?"

CALLIE: "We went to Vegas. My idea. I embrace the trashy."
ADDISON: "That's... not that I'm not happy for you, but why? Married. So. Fast."
CALLIE: "You know those cartoons, where there's a bear and it's starving, and it looks at a cute intern?"
ADDISON: "Well, congratulations."
CALLIE: [shows her the ring] "It's small. I know it's small."
ADDISON: "It's beautiful."

MARK: "I thought you said you didn't think about me?"
ADDISON: "I don't. I'm actively NOT thinking about you right now."

CALLIE: "You know those cartoons, where there's a bear or whatever, and it's starving and it looks at the table, and the table turns into this delicious cooked turkey, with like lines of deliciousness coming off it?"
ADDISON: "I was not looking at him like that! Because he is the help, and I am not going to be sleeping with the help!"
CALLIE: "I married the help."

MARK: "There you go underestimating me again."
ADDISON: "It's not that I underestimate you, it's just that I don't think about you. At all."
MARK: "Well, you should."

MARK: "Aren't you gonna get in there? If you wanna be chief, you gotta fight with the big boys."
ADDISON: "Oh, I intend to fight like a girl. I'll let them kill each other and then I'll be the only one left standing."

"Mark Sloan, Chief of Surgery. That makes me vomit a little in my mouth."

ALEX: "You kissed me right? You kissed me and ever since, you've been avoiding me."
ADDISON: "Alex."
ALEX: "No, you've been avoiding me because you just assumed I want you. Or you just expect that everyone you look at sideways is pining after you, right? Has it even occurred to you that maybe I'm not interested?"
ADDISON: "You're not interested?"
ALEX: "You think I wanna be just another intern sleeping an attending?"
ADDISON: "You kissed me back."
ALEX: "You're my boss. I mean, what did you expect me to do? Look, Sloan's had me changing bandages all day, and I would way rather be scrubbing in one of your surgeries. And if you keep avoiding me, I don't get to scrub in, so stop avoiding me. [pauses] Look, it happened. But it doesn't have to happen again."

CALLIE: "George kissed me. Yesterday. One minute he's holding a urine bag, the next minute he's kissing me. You think he's just freaking out about his dad? Yeah, you're right, he's probably just freaking out, I shouldn't hold him to it."
ADDISON: "What?"
CALLIE: "Did you not hear a word I said? I'm pouring my heart out here. Jeez, it's all about you isn't it? It's all about- Everything's about Addison."
ADDISON: "I aborted Mark's baby."
CALLIE: "It is all about you. Floor's all yours."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.