Pray like hell, and hold on.


Mechanical bulls are for drunk chicks at the county fair. If you're gonna rodeo, you need to find out if you've got the stomach for it now.


Walker: You just made me an accessory to murder, didn't you, Rip?
Rip: What do you mean, accessory? My prints aren't in that rental car. I didn't load a kayak and a bunch of other shit into the back of a pickup. You did.
Walker: You motherfucker.
Rip: That's to keep your whining ass shut. You want off this ranch, you got it. I'll drive your ass to the train station myself.
Walker: You ain't drivin' me anywhere. I'll walk from the ranch.
Rip: Nah, I'm gonna watch you leave this state. Look at me mother fucker. I wanna see it.

Jamie: Rip, please, as a friend. I've always treated you as an equal. Like a friend.
Rip: Yeah, you have.
Jamie: [crying] It didn't even feel like my hands. It's like I was above, watchin' it. I, I don't know what to do.

Jimmy: Rip? Did you see that?! Eight seconds!
Rip: [chuckles] Yeah, Jimmy, I saw.

Teal: The last thing we want to see is a casino the size of the fuckin' Wynn on the north gate of a national park.
Malcolm: And we will fuck you at every turn, Thomas. Unless we have a reason to support it. Right now, we don't. I suggest you give us one.

Jamie: What do you want me to become?
John: A lawyer.
Jamie: You always say that you don't respect lawyers.
John: Well, become one that I can.
Jamie: Why a lawyer?
John: Lawyers are the swords of this century. Words are weapons now. I need you to learn how to use 'em.

You know, your father's ranch isn't a kingdom, Jamie, and he isn't a king. And you. Running for an office that allows you to rewrite the rules to your father's liking? You know, your family deserves to lose everything. I can't tell you the pleasure that it gives me to be the one taking it. No man should have this much land. It should be a park or a game preserve. And when I'm done, maybe it will.


Jimmy: Where're these fuckin' people from?
Rip: [laughs] They're from North Texas, Jimmy.

It's OK to watch me walk away, you know. That's why we do it.


Beth: Why are you crying?
Rip: It's just, I get mad sometimes, and this is how it comes out.
Beth: Yeah, I do that, too. Why are you mad?
Rip: I killed my family.
Beth: How?
Rip: By not being bigger.
Beth: I killed my mother.
Rip: How?
Beth: By being scared. I don't do scared anymore. You'll be plenty big someday, I'm sure. Kiss me.
Rip: What for?
Beth: It will make us feel better.
Rip: I don't know how.
Beth: Me neither.

Beth: I see things in people, and I feel like if I can touch it, even if the rest of the person is rotten, I can take that good thing and I can make it part of me. Do you understand?
Rip: There's plenty of good in you, Beth, and none in that son of a bitch. Trust me.
Beth: I'm sorry, Rip. I'm sorry I did that to you.
Rip: Nah, you didn't do it to me, but woman, you sure can -- anytime you want. And I'm sorry is two words you never have to say to me.
Rip: Now I'm going to ride off into the sunset.
Beth: That's the sunrise.
Rip: Shit, you know what I mean.

Yellowstone Season 2 Quotes

Jimmy: They're fuckin' angry!
Rip: No shit they're angry, Jimmy. Their job's to fuck, and they ain't fucked in six months.

Lloyd: God damn, boss. That was awfully restless.
John: It's only restless if you can't see it through.