John: Was it justified?
Kayce: He had a freaked out kid pointing a shotgun at him. It was justified. Was it right? Right and wrong is so far from this place, I don't think it factors in at all.

John: Who pulled the trigger?
Kayce: I don't have a gun.
John: Not what I asked.

Deputy: I had no choice!!
Kayce: Yeah, you keep tellin' yourself that!

God sure finds interesting ways to put people out of business.


John: Kayce! If you find anything, don't confront anyone. Call the sheriff for backup. Everything by the book.
Kayce: I don't know the book.
John: Well, that's why you call the sheriff son; it's their book.

Jamie: What the fuck are you doin'?
Beth: I'm going to get you disbarred you spineless piece of shit. You should never have come home.
Jamie: You told me to come home!
Beth: Why on earth would you ever listen to me?

Beth: Let me ask you, Attorney General Elect, do you find Jamie's knowledge of the rape prior to it happening culpatory in any way? I'm concerned about what happens if they ask him to testify.
Cassidy: Uh, I think attorney/client privilege recuses him of that.
Beth: Even if he was aware of a crime before it happened?
Cassidy: Are you saying a crime was intentionally committed?
John: There was no crime. Not the time, not the place.

Kayce: Hey. How are ya?
Monica: I'm lonely, Kayce.
Kayce: I can solve that problem.
Monica: [chuckles]
Kayce: I miss you.
Monica: Yeah, I miss you, too.
Kayce: You, uh, you want me to come over?
Monica: Yeah, but you can't. I just wanted to hear your voice.
Kayce: I love you, Monica.
Monica: I wish that was all it took.

Jamie: Workin' with them is a deal with the devil, dad.
John: All the angels are gone, son. There's only devils left. At least they admit it.

Malcolm: Think of us as allies. We'd be the perfect allies for each other, John because there's no part of your business that benefits ours and vice versa.
Teal: And when we fight, it's a zero-sum game. We will win at any cost.

When the misery is bad enough, tomorrow is rarely factored into decisions.


Avery: Because of what we did, they beat him?
Jimmy: No, they beat him because of what I did.

Yellowstone Season 2 Quotes

Jimmy: They're fuckin' angry!
Rip: No shit they're angry, Jimmy. Their job's to fuck, and they ain't fucked in six months.

Lloyd: God damn, boss. That was awfully restless.
John: It's only restless if you can't see it through.