You know, the thing about suicide, you don't just kill yourself, you kill every memory of you. This will be all everyone remembers, Jamie. Every second you spent on this earth will be reduced to how you cho\se to leave it. No one will mourn your loss, son, because this isn't losing your life, this is quittin' it.


You think you can fill this mouth? I could floss with your dick you fucking... [she gets punched in the face]


Kayce: What's goin' on? Is there a problem?
John: Are there problems? Everywhere I turn, son.

Jamie: This cannot be fixed. I cannot be fixed. I'm married to it.
John: Your grandfather used to say you can't fix a broken wagon wheel, but you can use the parts to make a new one. I should have never sent you off to school. You needed more time here. I can; I can still give you that. But you need to give me that rifle, son. The old you's dead the moment you let it go.

Walker: People like to think we ain't animals like we've evolved into something different. Prison teaches you real quick we haven't. You can forget bears and wolves and snakes and all that shit. We're the meanest fuckin' thing on this planet. Of allthe animals in the kingdom, we're the fuckin' worst.
Kayce: Yeah, I know.
Walker: I'm just tryin' to do things a little different, that's all.
Kayce: Yeah, me too.
Walker: This ain't different.
Kayce: You want different? What's your word worth?
Walker: It's worth my life.
Kayce: You give me your word that everything you saw and heard on this ranch stays with you. I'll give you mine the next time you come through here, I'll be runnin' it, and I'll do it different. And you'll be welcome back anytime.
Walker: Yeah, I reckon I outta stay away from here for a while.
Kayce: I'd recommend it.
Walker: I won't forget this. I owe you one.
Kayce: Yeah. Knowing this world, I'm sure you'll be able to return the favor.

John: Look at me. Look at me, son. How do we move on from this? I don't know how to do that.
Jamie: I, I had no choice.
John: There's always a choice. You coulda jumped in the river. But hurtin' yourself never entered your mind, did it?

John: Jamie, you ever think about what you want to be when you get older?
Jamie: You.
John: I mean as a job.
Jamie: I always figured one day I'd do your job.
John: Take a look at that.
Jamie: Harvard?
John: Congratulations, son.
Jamie: I didn't apply to Harvard.
John: I applied for you. It's a great honor, and you earned it. Busted your ass in school, and this is your reward.
Jamie: Where's Harvard? Connecticut?
John: Boston.
Jamie: That's really far.
John: You want to be me someday? Then become something that can help me protect this place.

Jamie: What do you want me to become?
John: A lawyer.
Jamie: You always say that you don't respect lawyers.
John: Well, become one that I can.
Jamie: Why a lawyer?
John: Lawyers are the swords of this century. Words are weapons now. I need you to learn how to use 'em.

Kayce: What'd ya do?
Walker: I told you. It's what I won't do.
Kayce: What'd he ask you to do?
Walker: That's between us.

That rifle has the power to take a life. Whatever you point it at. You know that, right? So if you know that, you also know you don't have the power to bring it back, do ya? Even if you wanted to, even if it was a mistake. It's not a trick question, Tate. You just gotta be sure before you pull the trigger because killin's the one thing you can't undo.


Walker: You just made me an accessory to murder, didn't you, Rip?
Rip: What do you mean, accessory? My prints aren't in that rental car. I didn't load a kayak and a bunch of other shit into the back of a pickup. You did.
Walker: You motherfucker.
Rip: That's to keep your whining ass shut. You want off this ranch, you got it. I'll drive your ass to the train station myself.
Walker: You ain't drivin' me anywhere. I'll walk from the ranch.
Rip: Nah, I'm gonna watch you leave this state. Look at me mother fucker. I wanna see it.

Pray like hell, and hold on.


Yellowstone Season 2 Quotes

Jimmy: They're fuckin' angry!
Rip: No shit they're angry, Jimmy. Their job's to fuck, and they ain't fucked in six months.

Lloyd: God damn, boss. That was awfully restless.
John: It's only restless if you can't see it through.