Kayce: It wasn't my idea to make you low man, so don't read into it too much.
Jamie: I read it for what it is. It's fine. I deserve it.
Kayce: You might need it, but you don't deserve it. Lose yourself in the work, man. Try to forgive yourself and move on. It's all you can do.
Jamie: Do you forgive me?
Kayce: I'm your brother, Jamie.
Jamie: You didn't answer my question.
Kayce: Yeah, I did.

John: How ya feelin' honey?
Beth: Like I just left the fuckin' spa, dad.

Dan: I don't see the logic in attacking all three of us.
John: They want you to leave. They want him to quit building, and they want me to make 'im.

Monica: We don't know each other very well.
Beth: We don't know each other at all. Don't worry, Monica. It wasn't my father, and it wasn't my boyfriend; this was business.
Monica: What kind of business does that?
Beth: The family business. With that face, I recommend you stick with teaching.

Beth: Don't judge us for the way we're protecting the thing we're giving you.
Monica: I'm not judging. I just don't understand this place.
Beth: I wouldn't try doing that, either.

Dan: I understand your father better being on this ranch. You, too. I think.
Beth: That's interesting. When I'm here, I understand me less.

Rainwater: Our grandfathers camped right here. Slept on the ground. Hunted this valley for ten thousand years. Then John Dutton's grandfather built a house on it, called it theirs.
Mo: Maybe we'll sleep here again. Someday.

Beth: What are they doin'?
John: I think they call that coveting in the bible.

Teal: You know, this gets any bigger, people are gonna start to notice. So how far you want to take this thing, Mal?
Malcolm: They're not leavin' us much choice. We take this thing all the way.
Teal: Well, this thing doesn't just stop with John Dutton.
Malcolm: Nope.
Teal: He runs this thing with his children.
Malcolm: I SAID. All the way.
Teal: So who do you want to start with?
Malcolm: The one he loves the most.

Dan: Did the Becks do that to you?
Beth: My face was just the appetizer.
Dan: [groans] I'm sorry.
Beth: What doesn't kill us, Dan.
Dan: I don't believe that. I don't believe it makes us stronger. Harder, perhaps.
Beth: Harder's the goal.
Dan: I don't think you can get much harder.
Beth: I'm shooting for Teflon.

Rip: God. I wish that they'd come back to life so I could kill 'em again.
Beth: That would be what you wish.

John: Monica raise any issues about last night?
Kayce: No, I told her there were wolves down by the barn.
John: [incredulous] She believed you?
Kayce: Yeah.
John: [laughs] You've got a lot to learn about women.

Yellowstone Season 2 Quotes

Jimmy: They're fuckin' angry!
Rip: No shit they're angry, Jimmy. Their job's to fuck, and they ain't fucked in six months.

Lloyd: God damn, boss. That was awfully restless.
John: It's only restless if you can't see it through.