Jerome: Henry, I'd like to discuss Miss Miller. We both know she's not up for running the oil company. Not yet.
Henry: She is bright and capable.
Jerome: Perhaps, but until I'm convinced, I'd like to bring in someone else.

Lucas: I'm used to exploring big cities. Paris, Madrid. Maybe it was just needing to be away from everything going on here, or maybe I simply hadn't considered all of my possibilities. I found myself imagining what it might be like to live someplace remote like that.
Elizabeth: And leave Hope Valley?
Lucas: No, that's not what I mean.
Elizabeth: Oh.
Lucas: Hey, as long as we're together. [kisses her hand]

Oh, isn't today simply splendatious?


Henry, I can't condone what you've done, but thank you -- from all of us.


Arthur: You and I got off on the wrong foot, and I wonder, could we have dinner, start over?
Fiona: Since we're working together, I think that would be time well spent. However, I am an employee. I'm not your equal, so I would hope to be treated with some respect and appreciation considering what I do.
Arthur: I never meant to offend you, Miss Miller. I apologize.

Lucas: I apologize if I led you to believe I was going to give you a ring.
Elizabeth: These are beautiful.
Lucas: After your extravagant gift, I felt mine sort of paled in comparison. I was worried it would disappoint you. Saying that out loud, I feel silly.
Elizabeth: We know each other better than this.
Lucas: I love you.
Elizabeth: I love you.

Lee: Arthur, you have an uncanny ability to stop by whenever my wife is out.
Arthur: Actually, I just saw her leave, and I intend to be gone before she returns. I don't want to create any kind of trouble between you two.
Lee: Alright.
Arthur: While I am in town as an investor in the coal mine, I'm also here as an employee of the Hearst Newspaper chain, with an interest in The Valley Voice.
Lee: Well, then I really do think that we should wait for Rosemary.
Arthur: There's mild enthusiasm for some of your paper's features, the word puzzle, perhaps even the etiquette column. But it's you we're after.

Faith: Elizabeth, I hope you're aware that none of us question Lucas's innocence.
Elizabeth: I think there are at least a few.
Faith: Nathan and Bill are doing their jobs.
Elizabeth: Perhaps. But they know Lucas.

Faith: Hey, you and Bill don't actually think Lucas is in cahoots with Walden.
Nathan: I'm trying to keep an open mind, Faith, but you know, Lucas was into some dirty dealings before he arrived.
Faith: But, should that have any bearing now?

As a Mountie and all that it stood for, I have an idea what it took for you to make this decision. Thank you.


With people making assumptions about my behavior, I'm beginning to understand how Henry feels.


Lee: You're a good man, Joseph Canfield.
Joseph: You're a good friend.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.