Elizabeth: With the oil company Lucas ran and sold, looking to possibly reopen the mine, people will blame him. They already blame Henry.
Rosemary: Well, then this story will help clear up-
Elizabeth: Can you please just wait until you have all the facts before publishing? Then let people think what they want. I won't care then. I told you all of this in confidence, as my friend.
Rosemary: I wish you could see things from my perspective, as our town's newspaper editor.
Elizabeth: You've already made up your mind to publish tomorrow, haven't you? Rosemary, I really hope you'll reconsider.

Now it's my turn, given that you're in the afterglow of all of this. I told you that I wanted something substantial for myself. I want Lucas's share of the oil company, and if you want in, you're going to have to come up with some upfront capital, some good faith money.


Elizabeth: Say you're sorry.
Jack: Sawwy, bud!
Lucas: That's alright. I know you wouldn't try to hurt me, would you?

Joseph: Lee, I appreciate you giving me a hand here.
Lee: What? What is it? What's wrong?
Joseph: Did you cosign our bank loan?

Lucas: So what can we do?
Bill: The only thing we can do. We let Walden buy the Queen of Hearts.

Nathan: Were you not going to say goodbye?
Mei: Of course. I only found out this morning, and I've been rushing around ever since.
Nathan: Found out what?
Mei: Jeffrey's pursuing the false charge against me, so I'm required to be in the court of jurisdiction back in Chicago.

You know, on the day I arrived as you rode past me, my only regret is not letting you catch me.


Lucas: Is there something you want?
Walden: The Queen of Hearts Saloon, and you're going to sell it to me.

Mei: I knew it.
Nathan: Knew what?
Mei: I knew it the first time I came to see you that jail seemed depressing.

Nathan: Who is he? If he's not your husband, who is he?
Mei: I apprenticed at Jeffrey's pharmacy while I was in school, and everything was fine. Then, after graduation, he offered me a job. But it wasn't long before Jeffrey wanted more than just a friendship. When I refused, eventually, he began telling people that he proposed. And later that we eloped and got married. When Jeffrey learned I was looking for another job, things only got worse.
Nathan: So you were never engaged?
Mei [shakes her head negative]: I never had feelings for him. I'm sorry I was so secretive when I first came to town. I should never have let things get so out of hand.

Jeffrey: I don't mean to interrupt.
Nathan: Oh, you're way past interrupting.

Lee: Hey, Michael. I, uh, just finished that piece about you, and I wanted you to know that it had nothing to do with us being friends.
Mike: Are we? Friends I mean. [walks away]
Lee: Well, I- Aren't we?

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.