I can see the headline now. Hope Springs eternal. Locals flock to the healing waters of Hope Valley.


You know, Lee always says, if you work with friends, you can sort it out as friends. Who can put a price on that? Well, Lee can. And he will save you money. [laughs] Oh, the baby just kicked!


I hear the family’s coming to meet you. Good luck with that!

Bill [to Lucas]

So it's true? You got a dog? Awww. [looks at Nathan] Did you have to throw him in jail?


Rosemary: See? I told you we could save money! Those cherries in the cherry cobbler aren't cherries at all.
Lee: Dare I ask?
Rosemary: They're prunes!
Lee: Prunes?
Rosemary: Soaked in beet juice. Half the price of cherries. Such a clever little recipe. I got a cookbook a the swap meet.
Lee: Prunes soaked in beet juice. Very resourceful, sweetheart.

Allie: Oh my gosh. Did we get a dog?
Nathan: No! And don't get attached. He's got more attitude than you do.
Allie: [petting Scout]: Oh, riiight. So much attitude.

Oh, Lee. We are on a big adventure.


Elizabeth: You know, people pay a lot of money to take the waters at hot springs. There's Colorado Springs. Saratoga Springs.
Bill: Health nuts, you mean.
Elizabeth: May I ask you what is going on? Did something happen with the doctors in Union City?
Bill: Do you always meddle so much? [sighs] All the doctors can agree on is that they don't know anything. There's something wrong with my lungs. I'm sure all those investigations in the mines didn't help much.
Elizabeth: Faith would never betray your confidence, but I understand she made some suggestions.
Bill: Suggestions. Experimental treatments. Wild ideas that sound like a bunch of hooey and a lot of effort.
Elizabeth: Bill, we don't know what's to come, but there is one thing we can do, and that is be open to new experiences. Live life in the moment. Carpe diem!
Bill: Carpe what?
Elizabeth: Seize the day.

Elizabeth: Nathan. Thank you for being there for me.
Nathan: Always.

Bill: You could've given me some warning.
Henry: I didn't know there was any kind of etiquette to turnin' one's self in.

Jack: Did we do it, buddy?
Lucas: We sure did.
Jack: Yessss!
Lucas: Come here, you.
Elizabeth: Thanks for your help!

Elizabeth: You know, I never actually opened your letter.
Lucas: I had to explain where I was going and why.
Elizabeth: I had a feeling I knew what it said. You were blaming yourself for any danger you might have caused Jack and me with Walden, and you were doing the same about the mine potentially reopening, and with the sale of the oil company, you were feeling unsure of what you'd do next in business.
Lucas: You knew all that without reading the letter. Next time, I'll just save the stationery.
Elizabeth: When I asked you if you'd changed your mind about us, about our future together, for some reason, I was doubting what I know about you, and I realized there's no need for me to ever doubt you.
Lucas: Well, I feel the same way about you, but thank you for the reminder.
Elizabeth: To me, you aren't what you do, nor are you the sum of your possessions. Even if you'd come back and all of this had been gone, burnt in the fire, there would still be love.
Lucas: Making me the richest man alive.

When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.