Cooper: All everybody talks about is how the tourists have a right to be up there.
Angela: But a lot of people have benefitted from the tourists, including our parents.

It’s not just me who will want answers. Our daughter deserves to know her grandmother is as well.


Elizabeth: I don’t want to live in a castle.
Lucas: Pardon me?
Elizabeth: I don’t want a house on a hill. Being here is where I feel happy.
Lucas: Are you sure? It would be brand new with the latest of everything.
Elizabeth: Lucas, it would never feel like home. This place, I, I have so many memories here. I have a community here. I have Rosemary and Lee next door. Having my best friend over while our babies sleep upstairs? There’s just no house on a hill that could make up for that. This is what’s important to me, and I hope to you, too.
Lucas: I did it again, didn’t I?
Elizabeth: You’re a dreamer. You have these grand ideas, and I, and I would never want to deny you of them. But this is my home. Our home.
Lucas: I understand. I do. However, even if you don’t want to live in a castle, it doesn’t mean I won’t stop treating you like a queen. Goodnight, m’lady.

Lucas: I was wondering how you feel about castle living.
Elizabeth: Aw. I think anyone would be lucky to live in a purple castle.
Lucas: Then perhaps I will gift you one as a wedding present.
Elizabeth: That sounds like you. [pause] What are you up to?
Lucas: I want to give you the world. I would get you the moon right now if I could.
Elizabeth: I’m not sure I’d keep it.
Lucas: Then, maybe I’ll start a little smaller. A house on a hill with the most beautiful view. A castle of ryou and Jack.
Elizabeth: Lucas, uh-
Lucas: You don’t need to give me an answer right now. It’s something to think about.
Elizabeth: Of course. One question. Would it have a moat?
Lucas: Of course, it would have a moat. Absolutely. With a drawbridge and everything.

Joseph: It sure is nice up here. It’s been a while since I’ve been out of time.
Nathan: Well, you have about 17 jobs, don’t ya?

Lucas: So, now we’re going out, and they’re babysitting.
Elizabeth: That’s what Rosemary said.
Lucas: Well, I guess I can’t complain.

Bill: I have some news. I have found some land for you. A man named Paul Harper is looking to offload some acreage. Now, it doesn’t have a stream, but it has great mountain views.
Madeline: Oh, without a stream, it won’t work for me.
Bill: Well, for someone who’s looking to move quick, you’re awfully picky.
Madeline: I know. My late husband used to take Jamie fly fishing. I wanted to bring back some good memories.
Bill: Stream and fly fishing, huh? Oh. I’m sure something will turn up.
Madeline: Sadly, time doesn’t appear to be on my side. Bill, I appreciate everything you have done. Really, I do.

Lee: I thought you said it was going to be tea.
Lucas: There will be tea — after dinner.

Jack: Mummy?
Elizabeth: Yes, honey bear?
Jack: If Uncle Lee’s going to a daddy, when can I see my daddy?
Elizabeth: Oh, sweetheart, don’t you remember what we talked about? Your daddy is in heaven.
Jack: But where’s heaven?
Elizabeth: Well, heaven is up above us, and I know that may seem far away, but your daddy is also in our hearts. Here, and right here, and that’s where he’ll always be.

Rosemary: We’d waited so long for this moment. We’d almost given up hope.
Lee: Yeah. She’s our little miracle.
Rosemary: Why does the world look so different all of a sudden?
Lee: Because it is.
Elizabeth: Because she’s in it.

Nathan: You know, in my experience, a thief is good at two things, stealing a lying, and this one only seems good at the latter.
Thief: I’m pretty bad at both, and you’re right. If I’d known you two were from around here, I wouldn’t have shown my face.
Nathan: Yeah, you would have just robbed another mercantile.
Faith: People make mistakes, and we can give them a second chance. Sometimes they’ll surprise you.

You know, I have, um, I have felt a lot of things in my time with Rosemary. I really have. Love, um, joy, heartbreak, excitement, even a little confusion and impatience, but I have never, I have never felt this hopeless.


When Calls the Heart Quotes

I have one of these at the office; I do not need one in my house.


Bill: From now on, you just mind your own business. Leave the law and order to me.
Nathan: Yeah, I can't do that.
Bill: Why's that?
Nathan: Because I'm your new Mountie, Nathan Grant.