Sebastian and some of his cronies forced Daryl and I to steal cash from an abandoned house outside the perimeter. There was a woman there. They had done this before. They had sent civilians in, and none of them made it out alive.


Lance: Guys, you see my problem here. This is not a good look. It puts all of us in a very tough spot.
Gabriel: Problem or not, it's the truth.

Maybe I deserve to die for what I did to your dad, to your family. These people here… they don’t.


None of us have clean hands.


Gabriel: The place we’re living now is different from any place we’ve ever seen.
Lydia: No it isn’t… They’re like the Whisperers, they just wear different masks.”

Maggie: If anything happens to him…
Negan: It’ll have to happen to me first.

Maggie: We're not going.
Lydia: Maggie, he died begging for our help.
Maggie: I understand it. But we're barely holding on as it is.
Elijah: Someone we know must've sent him. Could be from the Commonwealth, or Georgie...
Maggie: Or it could be a trap. We go to help and leave the Hilltop open to attack.

We're barely holding on. It sounds like these people are, too. That's exactly who my mother would've targeted, and I helped. I'm not letting it happen to someone else.


Ian's dead. But he wasn't our first leader. He wasn't what kept us together this long. We did, and we did it by working together as a family. And right now, our family's scattered all over this building, but you know what? We know this place better than the assholes in our house do. We're coming out of this on top.


Elijah: You need an escort?
Lydia: Why?
Elijah: It's a long walk, you know? Might get bored. That's all.

Pamela: This is a long way from home, Lance.
Lance: It is. But these communities are perfect for what we're envisioning.
Pamela: What you're envisioning. I'm not convinced we need to stretch our resources like this. Grow your empire further than your power can extend and lose your empire.
Lance: I don't think it's quite that dramatic.
Pamela: Well, how's this for dramatic? If this doesn't go well, we're out. These people are free to stay with us permanently or they can go home and finish their own repairs. There's enough to do at home without having to worry about a couple of small communities in another state.
Lance: Give it a chance, Pamela. I really think you might be surprised.

Mercer: Apparently, someone on an unauthorized radio station has been talking to a rogue community outside of our walls. Hornsby's all over it. Tell me it wasn't you. Please tell me that you were not about to sneak out to meet some stranger at a rail yard.
Max: What could I say?
Mercer: Max, it's dangerous. For everyone at the Commonwealth, but especially for me and you. I gotta go. You better pray Hornsby doesn't realize that was your voice.