Lydia: Henry. You know, I haven't forgotten about him. It's just... I don't know.
Carol: You take happiness wherever you can get it. And don't ever be sorry for it.

She played that perfectly. Hornsby takes the fall, Sebastian skates.


Pamela: You've humiliated me. And yourself.
Sebastian: I told you I shouldn't have come here.

Pamela: Would you like one?
Yumiko: It's a little early for me. Thank you. You tear-gassed my friends.
Pamela: If they were there, they were in defiance of lockdown.
Yumiko: And did it help? Did it actually make the troopers' jobs easier outside the walls?
Pamela: It was about what could have happened. It was about safety. It always is.
Yumiko: And you don't care that it makes you look guilty?
Pamela: If you have an accusation, Yumiko, make it.
Yumiko: Look. Can you really sit there and say there is no way your son did the things he was accused of?
Pamela: He's always been something of a renegade, it's true. But his grandfather and uncles were the same way, and they mellowed over time. Became leaders of men. Maybe he's having his youthful rebellions later than most, but he's not a murderer.
Yumiko: Pamela, I am trying to figure out how much you knew. It might be my job to defend you.
Pamela: How can I talk to my lawyer freely when she's also friends with the most prominent journalist around?

Maggie: Daryl, what y... What you did back there... I know that Leah meant something to you. I'm sorry.
Daryl: Glen would've wanted me to look after you. You don't have to ever say sorry. Not to me.

Negan: Hey, did I, uh... Did I tell you I got married?
Carol: Mm. Why are you telling me this now?
Negan: Well, I don't know. Because... Because she is out there, and... she is carrying our child.
Carol: It's gonna be okay.
Negan: Thank you.
Carol: Yeah.

It's time to end this.


Leah: I have waited for this moment for a long time.
Maggie: I know what you want. I wanted it myself for a long time. You can't kill me. That would be too easy. If that was what you wanted, you would've done it already. You want me to suffer. Feel everything that you felt. All the pain. 'Cause somewhere inside you, you think that'll take away your pain. It won't. You're wrong. It's not just you.
Leah: By the time I'm done... Everyone you love will be dead.
Maggie: Then I guess that makes us even. I took your family, you take mine.

Negan: I don't know... Saving some shithole of a home that's not worth saving.
Annie: Negan, don't.
Maggie: Actually, he's right. Maybe Hilltop isn't worth saving. Those people are. This fight that I'm in, that I started, with Hornsby... It's not gonna end until I end it.
Negan: And I got no doubt you will. But I also got no doubt that you are firmly in the crosshairs of this Lance asshole, so... So I'm coming with you.
Maggie: No. I'll finish it.
Annie: Maggie, we can help fight...
Maggie: No, please. I need you to stay here... With Hershel, with those others. Keep them away from Hilltop and safe until this is over.
Negan: He doesn't exactly trust me, you know?
Maggie: But I'm starting to. You saved him at Riverbend. Whatever else happens, and whatever else has happened, I will never forget that.
Negan: Wow. You have big balls, Maggie Rhee. I got you. And I got your boy.

Daryl: Man, we need a break. Been doing this for a while now.
Commonwealth Soldier: And we'll keep doing this for a while, if that's what it takes.

Lance: Hey. Hershel, right? I'm Lance. Don't know if you remember me. I've heard you've had a pretty exciting life, young man. Taken any exciting trips lately? How about your mom? The last thing I want, Hershel, is for something to happen here, especially to your mom. So I'm gonna need your help. If I can get the truth, I can fix things. That's what I do. But I can't keep people safe if they keep secrets. So I want you to think really hard here. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Hershel: I should probably go get my mom.
Lance: Hey, hold on a second. You're a good kid... brave. And the thing about good kids is... they deserve presents. It's funny. I found this hat all the way back where the bad things happened. Be a shame for a-a nice hat like this to go to waste. [Lance puts the hat on Hershel's head] Huh! I'll be damned. Perfect fit. What are the odds?

Lance: Wait! Hold your fire! We're here to talk. We've come a long way to find you. You were not easy to track down. But since you've caused me more than a handful of trouble, the least you can do is hear what I have to say before you kill us.
Leah: Talk fast.
Lance: My name is Lance Hornsby. And I'm here to offer you a job.

The Walking Dead Quotes

Shane: What's the difference between men and women.
Rick: Is this a joke?
Shane: No serious. I've never met a woman who knew how to turn off the light. Born thinking the switch only goes one way: on.

Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah, you in the tank. Cozy in there?

Voice on the Radio