I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank my people for always having faith in me. And now I'd like to show my faith in them, and also honor the pursuit of justice, by announcing my intent to defend Eugene Porter, who has been wrongly and unjustly accused by Pamela Milton and the Commonwealth. We look forward to our day in court. Thank you very much.


We're here tonight to announce the Commonwealth will be moving forward with the prosecution of Eugene Porter. Mr. Porter has been arrested and charged in connection with the tragic events that took place on Founders Day, including the murder of Governor Milton's son, Sebastian Milton. Do you have an updates on the escapees, Colonel? I assure you, we have our best people on this. Teams are sweeping every quadrant. At this time, we'd like to introduce one of the Commonwealth's most accomplished attorneys, Ms. Yumiko Okumura.


Aaron: You alright?
Jerry: Yeah, yeah. shit. It's my knee.
Aaron: Wait. There might be a place over there. Looks like it has walls. We gotta go on foot.

Attention, my fellow citizens. The perpetrators of these horrific events cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Anyone providing information on the whereabouts of these individuals will receive a generous reward, while any persons found aiding and abetting these fugitives will share their fate... That of swift and final justice.


I mean, we've all seen some that come back to the places that they remember. I've heard stories about walkers like this that can climb walls and open doors. I was never sure if they were just stories. Maybe there's other kinds too.


Rosita: It's me. Daryl: How'd it go?
Rosita: A lot of repeat questions and intense staring. You?
Daryl: Same.
Rosita: You talk to the others?
Daryl: Yeah. We're gonna leave at dawn if we can get out.
Rosita: Alright. Mercer's gonna be watching.
Daryl: I'm counting on it.

Daryl: You choosing this piece of shit?
Mercer: If I was, you'd already be down.
Daryl: Do what you fսcking gotta do.

Aaron: So the slate's just wiped clean?
Carol: Debt, deaths on both sides. We get supplies, water, weapons. Pamela provides everything that we need to finish rebuilding. Free and clear.

Lance Hornsby abused his position and caused untold suffering for others. But thanks in part to the assistance of friends and allies... Along with our dedicated armed forces, he was unable to escape. And I promise you all... Justice will be served.


Pamela: You'll be transported back to the Commonwealth and put on trial.
Lance: Look, Pamela, it's just the two of us. Drop the act.
Pamela: No act, Lance. You've gone too far.
Lance: Seriously? You never seemed to have a problem with how I got the job done before.
Pamela: We're not talking about the past. Only now. And you've made quite a mess of "now." Hold on... You might survive this, if you play things right. But your life at the Commonwealth is over.
Lance: Over? After... After all the years, after all that I've done in service of you...
Pamela: Oh, please. You've served yourself above everything and anyone else. Always trying so hard to prove the world wrong. You refuse to see it.
Lance: But I've made something of myself.
Pamela: You're an angry, delusional little boy, Lance. Trying to win a game, but too foolish to realize that you've never actually been a player in it.
Lance: You still need me. If something happens to me... certain alliances the Commonwealth has... certain stabilizing factors... are likely to become a problem. Whatever game you're playing, Pamela... I'm very much in it.

Carol: Sure you wanna go?
Lydia: Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. Been on the road a few weeks, so what's a few more, right?

Lance: You mind shifting me over a few feet? Think I'm stuck on an anthill here.
Mercer: Get used to it.
Lance: Wow. I always thought we got along so well.
Mercer: How many of my men have you gotten killed?
Lance: Oh, Mercer. I thought you realized by now... They're not your men.