Valerie: It’s just us. Beau couldn’t bring himself to say goodbye.
Damon: I’m sure he just couldn’t find the right words to say.

Hi, mom. I just realized that this is going to be my first Christmas without you. That sucks. I still got you something, two somethings, actually. I will spare you the details of how because honestly I’m sick of talking about it. But it’s happening. I’m pregnant. I used to picture us having this conversation. It looked different. Obviously. I was a human carrying my own children and you…were alive. I know they’re not mine, but they’re still my responsibility, you know, and I want to…I have to do this right. And I have no idea what I’m doing and all I want to do is just sit on our kitchen counter while you burn our dinner and ask you a million questions. God, I miss you.


Bonnie: I don’t need people to tell me I’m pretty.
Nora: Nobody needs it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not nice to hear.

Bonnie: 'Hey, Stefan! Did I mention Bonnie saw me mix a blood bag with a jar of mayonnaise at 2 o’clock in the morning?'
Caroline: Okay, one, that was marshmallow fluff. And two, I’m feeding for three now, so I get cravings.

Stefan: How many times do you get a second chance to deliver your mother’s eulogy?
Damon: Good point, brother. How’s this? Lily, you were a terrible mother when you were alive and you were a terrible mother when you were dead. [to Stefan] You’re right. That does feel good.

We wouldn't be a family without you, Lily. I love you.


Okay, this vervain stings like a bitch and this family drama makes the prospect of Hell look like Disneyland. So, please, one swift stab straight through the heart. Let's get this over with.


I'm not going anywhere because I love you.

Stefan [to Caroline]

Stefan: Have any advice?
Lily: Tell her you love her. Never forget what she must be going through. And then, one day, be prepared for her to sacrifice everything for them. Not that I'm one to give advice.

I'm only here because Stefan's a mama's boy and I don't want the silent treatment for the next century.


Caroline: I didn't believe it either, but then I ate 9 ice cream sundaes from noon to 3:00, and none of my clothes fit, and then there was that whole part with the doctor and the ultrasound so...yeah.

When 9 Russians tell you you're drunk, you lie down.

Enzo [to Bonnie]

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Quotes

Dear Diary, I'm in Hell. It's hard to imagine a place worse than where I've come from but by some spectacular miracle, I've found it. In the weeks since I've arrived, three things are clear. The food is literally made of poison, the air smells like a plague, and everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing. I don't fit in here. The world is not what I imagined.


Stefan: New rule. You live your life, you heal, and in the meantime, we're friends.
Caroline: I like that rule.