Harris: All politicians are the same.
Becky: No they’re not. Yes, some of them are terrible but if you do some research you’ll find that some of them are really, really terrible. If you vote, you’ll be proud that you helped elect somebody who’s just terrible.

Darlene: They’re going to trace this back to us and put us on the No-Fly list.
Becky: When was the last time any of us flew? If they ever put us on the No-Bus list then we’ll have a problem.

The early primaries are exciting. That’s where you get to see the candidates with integrity and vision right before the rich ones swoop in and crush them with their corporate campaign dollars.


Hey, just because you’re in a bad mad don’t take it out on Marc. He’s just a sweet, innocent kid who does all our laundry.


Darlene: The school wouldn’t give us any money. If I had saved anything my daughter wouldn’t be giving up her dreams at 17.
Dan: Hi, welcome to the Conner family.

I felt good about my plan and then I let you drag me here and show me everything that I can’t have. Thanks a lot.


Harris: According to this chart it will take me 20 years to pay back these loans.
Counselor: Twenty years goes by faster than you think.

Becky: Look what she’s charging us for vegetables.
Jackie: They’re all locally sourced.
Becky: I don’t care if they’re locally sourced. I care if they’re locally eaten.

Darlene: I want you to live in a dorm and gain 15 pounds and get mono.
Harris: That’s for rich kids. We don’t have the money for college.

Dan: How much is that going to cost you?
Darlene: I don’t know but now that I’m a divorced, unemployed, single mom we might actually have a shot at some financial aid. My plan to destroy my life is working.

Dan: Finally, someone from this family made it to college.
Darlene: Hey, I went to college.
Dan: You went to art school. That’s basically Color Me Mine with a library.

Yes, we love ourselves. Men don’t want us. Can we get back to the food? Let’s talk prices.


The Conners Season 2 Quotes

When I’m supposed to be with Ben, I’m with David. When I’m supposed to be with David, I’m with Ben. When I’m supposed to be with the kids, I’m with Ben or David.


You know you can roll up a body in a carpet. A little something to put in your pocket for later.
