We can’t afford a good steak and I’m not just talking about the customers, I’m talking about the people who own the restaurant.


Dawn: You know a lot of new restaurants try too hard.
Jackie: Yeah, well, not us. We know what it takes to get the job done and we do just a little bit less.

Wyatt: Maybe I’m mistaken but it sure seems like you guys are celebrating because a player got hurt.
Becky: It certainly looks that way. Shame!
Dan: Wyatt, if that was a Bear limping off the field you’d be celebrating.
Wyatt: I wouldn’t because as a Christian I don’t wish harm on anyone.
Dan: The Crusades, that was you guys, right?

I just want you to know that I’ve been caught drinking beer, making pot cookies, and selling stolen goods but not one of those things has made them as upset as they are right now.


Mark: I have something to tell you, Grandpa, and I hope you’ll still love me afterward. I don’t care about football.
Dan: Give me a minute, Pal. I do still love you but everything’s different now. I understand this gay thing but this is a choice.

If we’re going to watch this game can’t we at least get a new TV. There are so many broken pixels it’s like watching through a chain-link fence.


Dan: Tomorrow’s Sunday so I want everyone dressed appropriately so we can pay our respects to the one thing that helps us make sense of this world and gives us the strength to make it through another week.
Everyone: Amen.
Harris: We’re going to church?
Jackie: Come on, Harris, on a Sunday? We’re watching the Bears / Packers game!

Mark: Are you gambling?
Jackie: Yup. Fantasy football, I’m taking money from a bunch of suckers.
Darlene: Oh, so it’s like a mega-church.

Ben: I’m afraid to fail. The last time I did this, if I screwed up I only wrecked my life, now I take down you and your kids with me.
Darlene: What, you think failure’s new to my kids? We eat failure for breakfast and we’d have it again for lunch but we failed to plan so we don’t have any.

Ben: They told me they were sure that you would take the job for half of what I was making.
Darlene: Half? That’s so insulting. I mean, I didn’t think I was going to break the glass ceiling but I’d like to be able to stand on a chair, reach up and touch it.

Louise: What is it that you think I’m after? His third mortgage? His truck with the muffler tied on with a hanger? His chickens?
Jackie: Well, individually it doesn’t sound like much but when you put it together…

Louise: You’re the one who has always had problems with me.
Jackie: You’re not that special. I have problems with a lot of people.

The Conners Season 2 Quotes

When I’m supposed to be with Ben, I’m with David. When I’m supposed to be with David, I’m with Ben. When I’m supposed to be with the kids, I’m with Ben or David.


You know you can roll up a body in a carpet. A little something to put in your pocket for later.
